The Stories of My Life

The Stories of My Life

This is a collection of blog posts where I peel back the layers and share snippets of my life’s journey. Here, you’ll find stories both ordinary and extraordinary, lessons learned the hard way and moments of laughter and reflection.

How Medium Helped Me in Publishing Book: Exploring the Secrets

I Wish Every Parent Knew This! Parents, Children & School I grew up in the village. There was no learning ...

How Reading Books As a Child Changed My Life? Proven Pathways

If I hadn’t spent my pocket money on books, you wouldn’t be reading this right now If you don’t read ...

Writing Today the 100th Story: A Journey of Self-Development and Discovery

It has been a journey of Self-Development, reflection, learning, and understanding. I have learned to express my thoughts and feelings ...
person ridding wind boat above ocean wave

Learn the Skills to Compete in the Marketplace

Whether you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or job seeker, having the right skills can make the difference between success and ...
brown and white house near leafed trees during golden hour

Don’t Let Poverty Get in the Way of Raising a Happy Child

Unfortunately, poverty can often stand in the way of providing a child with the resources and opportunities needed for a ...

How are the Underdeveloped Countries Employees Paid?

Employee salaries at my institution range from 5,000 PKR to 120000 PKR. The ones who are paid minimum show higher ...

Why Study if We Have to Become Drivers?

The three pillars of the educational system are teachers, parents, and students, and these pillars must function properly for the ...

Challenges & Solutions of Online Sessions:​ The​ Organizer’s Perspective​

I dealt with the difficulties of the online sessions using these strategies. I firmly believe that these suggestions can help ...

Tips for Effective Communication: Every Think you Need to Know

Covers the types of communication and effective communication with seven Cs. Effective Communication isn’t just for the classroom or the ...

Quaid-E-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Today’s Pakistan: Horrific Secrets

This blog looks at the life of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder and great leader of Pakistan, to the ...

The Collapsing Education System: let’s Discover the Secrets

If we want our nation to be innovative, productive, and successful in science and literature, we must reform our Education ...

School Education- the Backbone of the Nation!

Teaching (School Education) entails much more than simply delivering classroom lessons. Knowledge, class management, and planning are all important, but ...

What Makes People Brutal? A True Story

There was an innocent, speechless wounded puppy lying on the road telling the story of the barbarism of the people ...
photo of woman looking at the mirror

Education, Good Habits, and Skills Learned Are Person’s True Wealth!

That man has to die but humanity has to live: Person’s True Wealth Life is so brief and uncertain that we ...

Heaven and Hell Within Us: A Thought-Provoking Perspective

I understand that there is a lot of stress, grief, and concern in the world, yet everyone wants to be ...

Stunning Beauty of Chechali Pass: Trekking Through the Stream Water!

Chechali Pass-Chapri, Mianwali, Punjab, Pakistan. I grew up in the lap of a mountain. In my childhood, I used to ...

Unknown Fear — Fear Is Fear Until You Meet It

Everyone is surrounded by a red circle, and crossing it means confronting him with an unknown fear I have grown ...
assorted color great board decor lot

Is the Education System Eroding Creativity? Unveiling the Impact

How Education System is Eroding Creativity, Let's See with Examples One drawing teacher states that once he saw a nursery ...
grayscale photography of gray and black magnadyne transistor radio

This is B.B.C Urdu Service!

Childhood memories with B.B.C Urdu Service After hearing my mother’s voice in the morning, the first sound I used to ...
man beside flat screen television with photos background

Teaching and Training: A Closer Look at Their Roles

The terms teaching and training are sometimes used interchangeably, yet they are fundamentally different. I was confused by Algebra when ...
a man talking to an elderly man sitting on a wheelchair

Serve Humanity, not a Person — Happiness Through Humanity

Be exceptional rather than altering yourself to be useful in particular situations. People don’t remember you for your kindness; instead, ...
photo of headphone and amplifier

21st Century Skills: A Journey to Achievement

Skills, the individual require today and in the near future. My mother used to tell me (as a kid) that my ...
man wearing grey shirt standing on elevated surface

Everyone is Unique, Enjoy Your Uniqueness!

The Camel desiring to have horns lost even his ears... Everyone in us wants to be a leader, wants to lead ...
brown wooden blocks on white surface

Who Hate You, Are Equally Important as the People Who Love You!

Don’t be afraid of strong winds, O Eagle, It moves to make you fly high.Dr. Allam Muhammad Iqbal This is ...
beautiful view of moraine lake

When I Decided to Become an Animal: Towards Normal Life

When I came back to a ‘normal’ life, people started calling me ‘abnormal’ Jun Jundai is a resident of Thailand ...
person holding iphone showing social networks folder

Communication Skills: Do Digitization is Putting an End

The biggest issue with communication skills, in my opinion, is that it requires constant practice. Perhaps not more than two ...

Approach to Children’s Engagement: My Impactful Approaches and Results

Although recent technologies have revolutionized other fields, however, they are not yet fully integrated into education for Children's Engagement. Children's ...
black and silver laptop computer on round brown wooden table

21st Century Learning Design (21st CLD): the Role of EduTech

The leading technologies companies are working on EduTech (Educational Technologies) however, Microsoft is leading over the world Though the COVID-19 ...
knife sharpening

Child-Labor Is the Cause of School Dropout in Developing Countries

Child-Labor is cruelty, which is considered right There are many reasons why children are not interested in education and drop ...
worried young woman covering face with hand

Negativity Has Always Been a Problem: And it’s Panic

Negativity is not a problem of this era only; it has been a problem of every age. Negativity is not a ...
elderly couple holding bouquet of flowers while holding hands

Purification of Everyone Maybe a Dream, not a Reality!

It’s your journey, your way and you’ve to cover it. The journey of life is not paradise to be covered ...

English is Not Your First Language? Use These Free Tools to Create Professional Looking Documents

These tools help you to avoid looking like a fool English is the language of science and technology, in fact, ...
boy in gray jacket reading book

How do Children Learn? Understanding the Children learning

How increased the Children learning Retention from 10% to 90% Although education alludes to creativity, however, the majority of the ...
person using a smartphone

Be Careful on Social Media: Essential Tips for Social Media Users

Every social media user should read these backgrounds. More than half of the world’s population are digital citizens, and this ...
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