Academic Writing

Academic Writing

From struggling student to confident academic writer – my journey and yours. This blog is a space for us to explore the world of academic writing together. Through personal anecdotes, practical advice, and discussions on effective writing techniques, I’ll guide you on your path to writing impactful and successful academic papers.

Mastering Scientific, Technical, and Academic Writing: Insider Tips from My Published Article in 14 IF Journal

With the right academic writing, it is possible to publish in high-impact journals. In this article, I will share my ...

Challenges & Solutions of Online Sessions:​ The​ Organizer’s Perspective​

I dealt with the difficulties of the online sessions using these strategies. I firmly believe that these suggestions can help ...

Boost Your Professional Profile with Enhanced Official Communication Skills

Effective official communication skills Effective official communication skills refer to the ability to communicate effectively. Communication abilities are classified according ...

Tips for Effective Communication: Every Think you Need to Know

Covers the types of communication and effective communication with seven Cs. Effective Communication isn’t just for the classroom or the ...
a woman doing a presentation at a meeting

Core Skills for Effective Presentation and Communication- Know the Magic

Presentation, communication and decision-making skills are the most sought-after skills in the market and every candidate/employee should master them. After violent ...
crop estate agent working with computer in office

Business Writing in Offices: A Complete Guide

A comprehensive guide of examples from 12 years of official communication in business writing Everyone, whether or not they work ...

Writing the Scientific Literature: A Reliable Guide

A comprehensive guide with examples from PhD dissertation and published survey articles A literature review is very essential to develop ...

How to Avoid Self-Plagiarism? Authentic Way

Self-plagiarism is not necessary to be removed for the thesis, however, we need it later to reproduce the text for ...

Set of Questions for master’s and Doctoral Thesis Defence: Guaranteed Success

Detail demo for masters and PhD students After submitting my thesis to an external examination, I started preparing for the ...

What Do I Look for in a Response Letter as a Reviewer? Introducing Response Letter

A step-by-step guide for structuring the reviewer’s response letter The research article submitted to the journal goes through several phases ...
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