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Category: Academic Writing

Navigate the intricate landscape of academia with our invaluable resources, guiding you through every stage of the scholarly process. From honing your research skills and mastering the art of compelling writing to unraveling the mysteries of successful paper publication, we empower you to excel in your academic pursuits and make a profound impact in your field.

Mastering Scientific, Technical, and Academic Writing: Insider Tips from My Published Article in 14 IF Journal

Mastering Scientific, Technical, and Academic Writing: Insider Tips from My Published Article in 14 IF Journal

With the right academic writing, it is possible to publish in high-impact journals. In this article, I will share my experience of publishing in 11 Impact Factor (IF) journals and provide tips on how to make your writing stand out Academic writing is essential for students to succeed in their studies. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the different aspects of academic writing, from the basics to more advanced topics. After reading this, it would be possible to publish in…

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Challenges & Solutions of Online Sessions:​ The​ Organizer’s Perspective​

Challenges & Solutions of Online Sessions:​ The​ Organizer’s Perspective​

I dealt with the difficulties of the online sessions using these strategies. I firmly believe that these suggestions can help you host successful online events: Solutions of Online Sessions I have been conducting online training sessions since the advent of COVID-19, and I have faced numerous difficulties. The thorough online training courses helped me formulate answers for these challenges, which I then applied during my future training. To help teachers, trainers, presenters, and moderators successfully plan their events, I made the…

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Boost Your Professional Profile with Enhanced Official Communication Skills

Boost Your Professional Profile with Enhanced Official Communication Skills

Effective official communication skills Effective official communication skills refer to the ability to communicate effectively. Communication abilities are classified according to communication style and channel. The term “channel” refers to the use of verbs or any other non-verbal communication technique. In style, communication is divided into formal and informal communication. In this story, we will discuss formal communication which is usually also referred to as official communication. Formal Communication In formal communication, strict rules and regulations are applied, whereas no…

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Tips for Effective Communication: Every Think you Need to Know

Tips for Effective Communication: Every Think you Need to Know

Effective Communication aren’t just for the classroom or the office; they must be used for every information exchange. If we simply type a message to a friend or family member demanding something from the market, we must follow the communication rules. This will make your life and the lives of those around you much easier.

Core Skills for Effective Presentation and Communication- Know the Magic

Core Skills for Effective Presentation and Communication- Know the Magic

Most people think of a presentation as presenting an assignment to the class, teacher, or presenting your organization at a meeting. The presentation isn’t restricted to these specific topics. It entails being able to communicate effectively in a variety of situations. It’s more than just giving PowerPoint presentations. When you’re talking to someone, your body language, gestures, eye contact, words used for verbal communication, and non-verbal communication signs and gestures should all be excellent.

Business Writing in Offices: A Complete Guide

Business Writing in Offices: A Complete Guide

Everyone, whether or not they work in an office, requires business writing at some point in their lives. We write applications to the government organization for our different tasks. The well-written communication will attract the authorities and will priorities the request/assignment. In the public offices, where most of the applications are rejected, I’ve hundreds of examples of my writing, where quick action was taken.

Writing the Scientific Literature: A Reliable Guide

Writing the Scientific Literature: A Reliable Guide

“Dive into a comprehensive guide enriched with real-world insights. Drawing from notable PhD dissertations and published survey articles, this resource offers practical examples and valuable knowledge. Whether you’re a seasoned academic or an aspiring researcher, uncover essential techniques and strategies to enhance your scholarly writing and research endeavors.”

How to Avoid Self-Plagiarism? Authentic Way

How to Avoid Self-Plagiarism? Authentic Way

Self-plagiarism is not necessary to be removed for the thesis, however, we need it later to reproduce the text for the purpose of reporting or related studies etc While writing my PhD dissertation, I came across self-plagiarism. After publishing my first articles, I checked the thesis for plagiarism and at that time it was showing massive plagiarism. This was a big issue because I was about to submit my thesis for plagiarism and at the same time, it was creating issues….

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Set of Questions for master’s and Doctoral Thesis Defence: Guaranteed Success

Set of Questions for master’s and Doctoral Thesis Defence: Guaranteed Success

Detail demo for masters and PhD students After submitting my thesis to an external examination, I started preparing for the final defence. Although the final defence depends on unknown variables, a series of questions must be prepared. I noticed that the last questions of the defence revolve around this list. I noticed that the final defence questions revolve around this list. The examiners came after carefully reading your thesis. They already have a set of questions which they prepare while reading…

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What Do I Look for in a Response Letter as a Reviewer? Introducing Response Letter

What Do I Look for in a Response Letter as a Reviewer? Introducing Response Letter

A step-by-step guide for structuring the reviewer’s response letter The research article submitted to the journal goes through several phases. In the first, the editorials evaluate it for different types of queries, for example, the novelty of the idea, the structure of the article and in particular the language of the article. If all goes well, it is decided to review it. However, on the editorial side usually, half of the articles are rejected by reputable journals and half of them…

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