I Wish Every Parent Knew This – Parents, Children & School

I Wish Every Parent Knew This – Parents, Children & School

Nothing is more important in a parent’s life than their children. Like a candle, they devote their lives to their children. I believe that if parents raise their children well, their future generations will have a better and more peaceful life than those families who do not know how to raise children. I have closely observed and studied the relationship between parents, teachers, and children, and I regret finding it too weak. The weakness of this relationship is having a detrimental effect on the child and society. Children who do not receive quality time from their parents during childhood have significantly lower Intelligence Quotients (IQ) and Emotional Quotients (EQ) than other children. Those who have parental isolation and whose parents are not properly involved in their upbringing, in particular, become mentally and emotionally weak. Teachers play an important role in preparing children for society, just as parents do. Where there is a breakdown in communication between parents and children, the gap between teachers and parents grows even wider. The quality education of a child is possible only when there is a strong bond between the children, parents, and teachers. This book draws on my fourteen years of experience as a school principal and communicating with parents, as well as the experiences of hundreds of other parents. This also covers the important activities for parents to practice at home so that they can rethink and modernize their parenting skills.

Approach to Children’s Engagement: My Impactful Approaches and Results

Although recent technologies have revolutionized other fields, however, they are not yet fully integrated into education for Children's Engagement. Children's ...
cheerful black teacher with diverse schoolkids

Difference Between a Teacher and an Employee: Revealing the Secrets

Teachers should be aware of the differences so that they can devote their lives to education in order to transform ...
assorted color great board decor lot

Is the Education System Eroding Creativity? Unveiling the Impact

How Education System is Eroding Creativity, Let's See with Examples One drawing teacher states that once he saw a nursery ...

Why Study if We Have to Become Drivers?

The three pillars of the educational system are teachers, parents, and students, and these pillars must function properly for the ...

Unhealthy Parent-Child Relationship & it Is Never Late to Correct

I have closely observed and explored the relationship between parents and children. I am very sorry to say that I ...
father hugging and kissing his daughter in a mountain landscape

Inherited Parenting Dynamics: How They Shape Children’s Futures

To be a good parent and raise a successful child, you must understand parenting styles (and not to stick only ...
boy sitting with brown bear plush toy on selective focus photo

An Earning Toddler and a Cold December — The Panic Scene

How a Toddler can be Forced for Earning? Human life is filled with a lot of pain. This pain is ...

Learning Approaches for Productive Schooling: Teachers & Parents Need to Know

The school only teaches one child, where the teaching and learning approaches match, if not the case, the learners remain ...
a mother washing a child in a plastic tub

Make Children Feel Good — Secrets of Powerful Parenting

Whether You Are Rich or Poor, It Doesn’t Matter to the Child. What Matters to Them Is How You Make ...
father and kid on terrace with picturesque view

Creating Lasting Memories: Being Present in Your Children’s Lives

Spend some lovely experiences with children in such a way that they become memories that they will love for the ...
black woman with pupils in classroom

Children Copies You- Help them to be a Better Human

Everything you do once you enter the home, you are sending a message to the children You must have seen ...
photo of toddler smiling

How to Guide Children? Discover the Myth

Children are divided by age and as a parent, you need to know the abilities of each child according to ...
photo of child sitting by the table while looking at the imac

The Power of Words— Know Your Communication with Children

Whatever you say, or do with the children, it is recorded, and they decide once rules are formed in their minds ...
boys playing football in park

Children Are More Attracted to Their Peers — Parenting Guide

Peers' relationships can also play a negative role in social-emotional development. Therefore, it is important for parents to be aware ...
a little girl in a dress and a hat standing in the garden

Horrific Effects of Blaming and Criticizing Children

When you speak to your child, avoid blaming, criticizing, or finding fault because doing so may hurt their self-esteem and ...
industrious young girl cleaning the dishes

Let the Children Do Their Own Chores: Understand the Secrets

Train the children for chores so that tomorrow they may not be a misfit in society or the organization. In ...
cute family picture

Children Will Become What They Are Raised to Be

If we want to see our children's creators and create a name in science and literature, then we have to ...
girl sitting on grass and showing dirty hand

Curiosity of Children: Let them Explore the World

Children want to experiment with everything new. Let any normal activity that is not harmful to the child, so that ...
tender mother hugging and kissing daughter in forest

How to Upbring the Children? Parenting Styles

Understanding the Impact of Different Parenting Styles on Student Learning and Development It is important to remember that children are ...
woman in black tank shirt facing a black laptop computer on brown wooden round table

How do Children Learn? Discovering the Secrets of Learning

As parents, it’s important to understand your children learning potential so you can provide them with the best educational opportunities ...

Advice for Parents on Relationships with Kids

As parents, it is important to build strong relationships s with your Kids. A strong relationship with children can help ...
brown and white house near leafed trees during golden hour

Don’t Let Poverty Get in the Way of Raising a Happy Child

Unfortunately, poverty can often stand in the way of providing a child with the resources and opportunities needed for a ...
happy father wiping tableware with son

How to Lead Your Children by Example: Comprehensive Parenting Guide

As parents, it is important to remember that children copy what you do, not what you say. Children have never ...
little girl jumping while playing with ball on sports ground

Modelling Good Behaviour for Your Children — Parenting Guide

Modelling good behaviour is one of the most important things a parent can do to help their children develop into ...
man in black sweater and blue denim jeans sitting on brown wooden rocking chair

Domestic Violence on Children: How to Protect Them

Domestic violence against children is a form of abuse that occurs when a parent or caregiver uses physical or emotional ...
toddler riding bicycle on road

Building a Better World: Protecting Children from Hate

It is essential that we take steps, protecting children from the spread of hate and create a better world for ...
diligent small girl drawing on paper in light living room at home

Education: The Key to Unlocking Children’s Success Stories

Education is the foundation of a successful future, and it is essential that children are given the opportunity to receive ...
photography of people graduating

Protecting Children from a Toxic Environment of School

Schools should be places where children can learn, grow, and feel safe- Protecting Children When I was in 9th standard, I ...
children in a science class

Be in Contact with Your Child’s Teacher: Best Tips

Keeping in contact with your child’s teacher can help to ensure that your child is receiving the support they need, ...
children in the classroom

The Reasons Behind School Refusal in Children

School refusal in children is a growing problem that is becoming increasingly difficult for parents and educators to manage. When ...
red and white children playing road signage

Negative Influences and Children: How to Ensure Their Safety

As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that our children are protected from negative influences and provided with a ...
woman taking a picture on a sidewalk in city

Allow Children to Follow Their Passion

Doctors and engineers are in high demand in Asin society. Every parent wishes to push their children in this direction ...
a little girl sitting at the table in the garden decorated with flowers

Importance of Life Skills for Children: Success in 21st Century

Life skills are the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and ...
happy kids throwing foliage in park

Nurturing a Love of Language: Strategies for Enhancing Children’s Vocabulary

By helping children build their vocabulary, we can give them the tools they need to succeed. The limits of my ...
person ridding wind boat above ocean wave

Learn the Skills to Compete in the Marketplace

Whether you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or job seeker, having the right skills can make the difference between success and ...
worried young woman covering face with hand

Encouraging Children to Take Control of Their Stress

By teaching children how to recognize and manage their stress, they can develop the skills they need to live happier, ...

Nurturing Your Child’s Personality

As a parent, it’s important to nurture your child’s personality and help them grow into a confident and independent person-- ...

How Reading Books As a Child Changed My Life? Proven Pathways

If I hadn’t spent my pocket money on books, you wouldn’t be reading this right now If you don’t read ...

Parenting with Discipline: A Guide to Raising Happy, Positive Children

It is important to establish rules and boundaries (Discipline) for children at an early age and enforce them consistently-- Discipline ...

Setting Healthy Boundaries for Children: Discover the Myths

By setting clear and consistent boundaries, parents can help their children develop self-discipline and self-control. I have noticed that most ...

Educating Kids on the Dangers of the World

As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure Kids are aware of the dangers that exist in the world today-- ...

Fostering a Language of Love in Children

You’ve probably heard the term “one-sided love,” but “one-sided talk” may be unfamiliar to you- Children Upbringing I Wish Every Parent ...

Kids and Dangerous Habits: Every Think You Need to Know

It is important to talk to your kids about the dangers of addiction and the importance of making healthy choices. Dangerous ...

A Great Start for Parents and Teachers: Best Practices

When it comes to raising children, the early years are crucial for their development and growth (both for parents and ...

Importance of Financial Literacy for Children: Best Practice

Financial literacy can empower children to make intelligent decisions. The importance of financial education (financial literacy) cannot be denied. Those ...

Empowering Children Through Understanding Their Personality: Everything You Need to Know

Understanding the children’s personalities empowers the parents to create a positive nurturing environment Understanding your child’s moods is one of ...

Giving Children Unconditional Love

In 2015, I attended a university convocation. I was seated in the designated area with my colleagues. The students who ...

How do Children Imitate your Action? Let’s See

Experts of communication skills say that when we talk to someone, the effect of our words is 7%, the effect ...

Poverty is a Fact, But Children’s Education is Important

Spend on your children’s education to change their lives In the village there was a girls’ middle school, however, only one ...

Teaching Manners to Children: The Secrets

Teaching children good manners is important work that teaches them to interact with others respectfully and appropriately. Good manners can ...

Punishment Never Corrects a Child

The problem with developing nations is that parents and teachers there control the children with a stick (Punishment), and it ...

Why My Child Disobey? Let’s Explore the Reasons

This reason behind disobedience can be a lack of understanding, need for attention, lack of boundaries, lack of communication, being ...

How I Taught Alphabet Objects to My Toddler Before Turning Two? Proven Magic

Children begin learning from the very beginning. Parents engage in “one-sided talks” with their children, and the children store these ...
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