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Tag: Life Lessons

How Reading Books As a Child Changed My Life? Proven Pathways

How Reading Books As a Child Changed My Life? Proven Pathways

If I hadn’t spent my pocket money on books, you wouldn’t be reading this right now If you don’t read a book for two days and talk on the third day, your speech will not have the sweetness that it does after reading books. unknown The relationship between reading books and humans is as old as humans themselves — as old as human civilization. Our habits, which are formed by our thinking, shape our lives. Reading books has the most significant influence on…

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Writing Today the 100th Story: A Journey of Self-Development and Discovery

Writing Today the 100th Story: A Journey of Self-Development and Discovery

It has been a journey of Self-Development, reflection, learning, and understanding. I have learned to express my thoughts and feelings in a way that is meaningful and impactful. Today marks a special milestone for me — my 100th story on the medium platform! It’s been an incredible Journey of Self-Development since I first discovered Medium in February 2022. I was searching for a platform to share my content and I chose Medium for its ease of use and its wide reach. At…

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Heaven and Hell Within Us: A Thought-Provoking Perspective

Heaven and Hell Within Us: A Thought-Provoking Perspective

Explore the intricate tapestry of our existence where heaven and hell coexist, shaped by our thoughts, habits, and subconscious. Delve into a reflection on how our choices and perspectives mold our reality, transforming life into either a paradise or a torment. With profound insights, we journey through the realms of happiness, pain, and the power we hold to craft our own destinies. Through thought-provoking verses and poignant observations, discover the profound truth that our inner landscape determines the shades of heaven and hell we experience.

Unknown Fear — Fear Is Fear Until You Meet It

Unknown Fear — Fear Is Fear Until You Meet It

Everyone is surrounded by a red circle, and crossing it means confronting him with an unknown fear I have grown up far beyond the age of phones and mobiles. It was the era of letters when the news of the arrival of the son at the destination reached the mother after months. The postal services took months to deliver the letters to their destination. After getting the son’s letter, mum would look for the literate person with this letter tied to…

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Serve Humanity, not a Person — Happiness Through Humanity

Serve Humanity, not a Person — Happiness Through Humanity

Be exceptional rather than altering yourself to be useful in particular situations. People don’t remember you for your kindness; instead, they remember you for one poor quality out of a hundred good ones. Don’t do good to a person, but to humanity (Serve Humanity, not a Person). Make it a habit to be excellent rather than adapting yourself to be useful in specific situations. Serving humanity, in my opinion, and experience provides unmatched calm and satisfaction in life. Serving humanity…

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21st Century Skills: A Journey to Achievement

21st Century Skills: A Journey to Achievement

Embark on an enlightening journey towards achievement with our guide on essential skills for your future. Navigate the dynamic landscape of success as we delve into a comprehensive exploration of skills that pave the way to personal and professional triumph. From communication prowess to critical thinking, adaptability to leadership, our insights empower you to shape a fulfilling and impactful path forward. Prepare to unlock your potential, enhance your capabilities, and chart a course towards a future marked by accomplishment and fulfillment.

Everyone is Unique, Enjoy Your Uniqueness!

Everyone is Unique, Enjoy Your Uniqueness!

The Camel desiring to have horns lost even his ears… Everyone in us wants to be a leader, wants to lead millions and billions of people, wish to be obeyed, to be respected. But listen— become a leader of yourself first, lead yourself. Control yourself, control your thoughts and behaviours. In the universe, everyone is unique Every individual in this world is unique — everyone has their own world, their own definitions of words, and their own mannerisms. So, don’t imitate anyone; you are…

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When I Decided to Become an Animal: Towards Normal Life

When I Decided to Become an Animal: Towards Normal Life

When I came back to a ‘normal’ life, people started calling me ‘abnormal’ Jun Jundai is a resident of Thailand. His TEDx lecture caught my attention. I heard a few phrases he uttered, the Thai-English sentences were so catchy that I couldn’t stop myself to listen to him. Life, according to John Jundai, is simple, but humans have made it difficult. They’ve made things so difficult for themselves that they don’t have time to sit with their families. He adds,…

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Negativity Has Always Been a Problem: And it’s Panic

Negativity Has Always Been a Problem: And it’s Panic

Negativity is not a problem of this era only; it has been a problem of every age. Negativity is not a problem of this era only, it has been a problem of every age. Particularly for those who follow the laws of nature or a straight line but are not trained for society. There is a toxic atmosphere in the office, society and it is very difficult to live and work in such as environment. It takes a long time to…

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Purification of Everyone Maybe a Dream, not a Reality!

Purification of Everyone Maybe a Dream, not a Reality!

It’s your journey, your way and you’ve to cover it. The journey of life is not paradise to be covered easily and happily. This voyage is hard and painful. Everyone has to cover it with a lot of troubles, hurdles and apposite pushes. Everyone is accompanied by different people on the way, but everyone has different worlds of thinking and assuming. Purification of everyone may be a dream, not a reality. Everyone has to adjust his/herself to such a company. Purification…

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