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Tag: Learning

Make Children Feel Good — Secrets of Powerful Parenting

Make Children Feel Good — Secrets of Powerful Parenting

Whether You Are Rich or Poor, It Doesn’t Matter to the Child. What Matters to Them Is How You Make Them Feel I boarded the first van to school at 5:30 a.m. Like me, two women seated in the second row were on their way to school. A young boy, perhaps 9–10 years old, was sat next to these teachers; I considered him to be the teacher’s son, but when the child began collecting the fare, I saw the problem: his…

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Learning Approaches for Productive Schooling: Teachers & Parents Need to Know

Learning Approaches for Productive Schooling: Teachers & Parents Need to Know

The school only teaches one child, where the teaching and learning approaches match, if not the case, the learners remain mediocre. Just as it is important to know children by age, it is also important for both parents and teachers to know the child’s learning approaches. Usually, the learning approaches are categorized as; Visual learners learn by looking at things, for example, pictures, videos, and diagrams play an important role in their learning. Some children are auditory learners who learn…

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An Earning Toddler and a Cold December — The Panic Scene

An Earning Toddler and a Cold December — The Panic Scene

How a Toddler can be Forced for Earning? Human life is filled with a lot of pain. This pain is unbearable. We shouldn’t raise more humans to suffer, and we should end humanity. –Unknown It is a cold December night in Peshawar، Pakistan. People are fighting to move forward in a tiny market. Throughout the day, shopkeepers on the street have done thousands, if not millions, of sales. They are still waiting for new clients to return home with a…

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Effective Practices in Classrooms- What you Need to Know

Effective Practices in Classrooms- What you Need to Know

If you are a teacher, particularly a fresh or intended to join the teaching profession, you must go through this tutorial. This story covers the basic classrooms practices, which every teacher must know and practice for pro results. This guide provides the most important advice that every teacher needs to know, particularly fresh teachers and those who aspire to become educators. Every profession calls for particular skills, but teaching demands a broad range of skills. For instance, a physician or engineer’s…

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Why Study if We Have to Become Drivers?

Why Study if We Have to Become Drivers?

The three pillars of the educational system are teachers, parents, and students, and these pillars must function properly for the system to be effective. I was dressing hair in a village Salon. The father of one of my matriculation classmates entered there. His other son was my student and he was at the top of the class. I began by telling him how well his son is doing academically. Advised him to take care of him so that he may…

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The Role of Clear Instructions in Classroom!

The Role of Clear Instructions in Classroom!

Teachers must understand that unclear instructions are the first step toward learners’ dropout and learning weaknesses. Have you ever had a child in the middle or upper grades who couldn’t read or write properly? What are the main causes of such issues? Actually, when children do not understand the teacher’s instructions and do not act in accordance with the other children, they believe they are weak and are unable to learn or compete with the other children in the classroom….

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Core Skills for Effective Presentation and Communication- Know the Magic

Core Skills for Effective Presentation and Communication- Know the Magic

Most people think of a presentation as presenting an assignment to the class, teacher, or presenting your organization at a meeting. The presentation isn’t restricted to these specific topics. It entails being able to communicate effectively in a variety of situations. It’s more than just giving PowerPoint presentations. When you’re talking to someone, your body language, gestures, eye contact, words used for verbal communication, and non-verbal communication signs and gestures should all be excellent.

The Collapsing Education System: let’s Discover the Secrets

The Collapsing Education System: let’s Discover the Secrets

If we want our nation to be innovative, productive, and successful in science and literature, we must reform our Education System, particularly the examination system I walk to school, and along the way, I frequently meet mothers and grandmothers who share their children’s and grandchildren’s issues with me. Today after walking half a distance, I found a grandmother waiting for me on the way. Following greetings and prayers, the grandmother informed me that her grandson was in sixth grade with…

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School Education- the Backbone of the Nation!

School Education- the Backbone of the Nation!

School education is the backbone of any nation. In the initial stages, students’ minds are trained to be creative and innovative. If students are not properly involved in the early years of education, they can’t be involved in the later stages. These early years require strict care by parents, teachers and administrators to prepare a good nation.

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