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Tag: Learning

How I Taught Alphabet Objects to My Toddler Before Turning Two? Proven Magic

How I Taught Alphabet Objects to My Toddler Before Turning Two? Proven Magic

In teaching alphabet objects to my toddler before their second birthday, I embarked on an exciting and rewarding journey of early education. Fueled by a passion for fostering early literacy skills, I delved into creative and engaging methods to make learning a joyful experience.

Using a combination of visual aids, interactive games, and hands-on activities, I introduced my child to the wonders of the alphabet world. Each letter became a gateway to exploration, with carefully chosen objects that resonated with their curiosity and imagination.

Empowering Children Through Understanding Their Personality: Everything You Need to Know

Empowering Children Through Understanding Their Personality: Everything You Need to Know

Understanding the children’s personalities empowers the parents to create a positive nurturing environment Understanding your child’s moods is one of the most difficult aspects of parenting. Children are unpredictable, and their emotions change rapidly, making it difficult to know how to respond. Understanding your child’s moods, on the other hand, is an important part of parenting. It can assist you in better understanding their needs and assisting them in developing healthy coping skills. There will be many people and children…

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Importance of Financial Literacy for Children: Best Practice

Importance of Financial Literacy for Children: Best Practice

Financial literacy can empower children to make intelligent decisions. The importance of financial education (financial literacy) cannot be denied. Those of us who lack financial literacy often end up with empty pockets at the end of the month, with no savings for any emergency. Such a life is very difficult, not because of a low income or lack of money for emergencies, but because they have not been trained financially. Even if a financially disabled person earns thousands of dollars,…

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A Great Start for Parents and Teachers: Best Practices

A Great Start for Parents and Teachers: Best Practices

When it comes to raising children, the early years are crucial for their development and growth (both for parents and teachers). Childhood days are filled with endless possibilities, playful adventures, and valuable life lessons. As parents, we have the incredible opportunity to shape and guide our little ones, setting the foundation for their future success and happiness. Let’s explore the wonders of childhood and discover the profound lessons it can teach us about nurturing our children. A great start for…

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Labelling Children: A Tragic Truth

Labelling Children: A Tragic Truth

Call your children by the names you have given them with love, so that they may live their entire lives and be recognized by these names. Labelling, whether positive or negative, should never be used. Children should be called by their names or referred to as sons or daughters. Parents often shout, “Oh, naughty one, my smart child,” etc. This may be acceptable by definition, but it has a negative effect on this child and other children. In my class, there…

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Why the Pakistani Teachers Not Allowed to Teach in The Classroom? Panic Secret

Why the Pakistani Teachers Not Allowed to Teach in The Classroom? Panic Secret

For the past 14 years, I have been teaching and managing a government school. If I had to sum up my experience over those years in one sentence, it would be — the government intentionally ignores educating the nation and keep engaging the teachers in the non-academic task. I Wish Every Parent Knew This- Dr. Afzal Badshah Unfortunately, I have witnessed heartbreaking stories about children and parents. Pakistani society is deeply divided, with each group separated from the others. The stack holders want…

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How I Grew from Being a Shy Child to a Confident Instructor: Discover the Secrets

How I Grew from Being a Shy Child to a Confident Instructor: Discover the Secrets

When I first went to university, there were sports programs. Our department won the hockey final, and the teachers and students were very happy. Everyone was dancing, and I stood aside. Then, a teacher came and took me with them so that I could join in the dancing. I had never danced in my life before, and that day I realized that humans express happiness through physical movements and that we must learn how to do so. In my childhood,…

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Kids and Dangerous Habits: Every Think You Need to Know

Kids and Dangerous Habits: Every Think You Need to Know

It is important to talk to your kids about the dangers of addiction and the importance of making healthy choices. Dangerous habits refer to the wrong type of addiction. This risk exists globally with growing up children, however, in countries where poverty is alarming, people are massively addicted. When people don’t get jobs, they tend to earn money in illicit ways. The poor economic conditions force them to simply feed their children. Such children can easily fall prey to these habits….

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Fostering a Language of Love in Children

Fostering a Language of Love in Children

You’ve probably heard the term “one-sided love,” but “one-sided talk” may be unfamiliar to you- Children Upbringing I Wish Every Parent Knew This- Dr. Afzal Badshah The first one-sided talks are far sweeter and more intimate than the first one-sided love. When you first hold your baby and share your love, exhaustion, and pain with them, the same emotions float through your eyes as gratitude. The child looks at you blankly. After a few months, they respond with a smile, a…

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Educating Kids on the Dangers of the World

Educating Kids on the Dangers of the World

As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure Kids are aware of the dangers that exist in the world today– With the ever-changing landscape of technology (Internet and social media), it is imperative that parents and teachers work together to ensure that children are safe and are being given the skills they need to become good citizens. Teaching children about healthy habits, safety, and digital literacy can help protect them from dangerous habits, bullying, and other dangers. It is important to…

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