Effective Practices in Classrooms- What you Need to Know

Effective Practices in Classrooms- What you Need to Know

If you are a teacher, particularly a fresh or intended to join the teaching profession, you must go through this tutorial. This story covers the basic classrooms practices, which every teacher must know and practice for pro results.

This guide provides the most important advice that every teacher needs to know, particularly fresh teachers and those who aspire to become educators. Every profession calls for particular skills, but teaching demands a broad range of skills. For instance, a physician or engineer’s mistake will only result in a little catastrophe, however, a mistake made by teachers in the classroom will ruin our nation and future. Teachers are frequently referred to as “social engineers” and “nation builders”, therefore, it is essential for every nation to develop teachers and prepare them for the classroom.

Creating an Environment that Appeals to Students

I would like to ask you — what did you like or dislike about your class when you were a student in the class you teach today? Close your eyes and think about what you liked about your classes and what you didn’t like and how it affected your studies and your life. I actually ask this question because as a teacher you need to know what the student likes in the classroom, you need to provide an environment that the student likes.

Starting a Lesson

Since you get to decide how you will conduct the class for the entire time, the start of the lesson is more important than the other sections of it. In order to get the students ready for class, the teacher should talk about the general topics — I’m talking about the weather, how they’re feeling, etc. Warm welcomes, get them psychologically and physically prepared for the class. The teacher should start class once the students are ready. Remember to connect your lesson plan to the students’ normal everyday activities.

Tips for Starting a Lesson

It is crucial to prepare learners for the course. If they are not prepared, they will not learn a single idea. When I was a student, the teacher gave us an interesting example to prepare for learning. He gave the example of a bottle. If we tighten the cap on the bottle and throw it into the ocean, not a single drop will enter it. However, if we open its hood and place it in a desert, chances are that one day it will rain and it will be full. This example fits perfectly in the classroom. The teacher must open the mind of the student, I mean the teacher must prepare him for learning.

Assessing the Students’ Understanding

Teachers ask questions or observe the students’ facial expressions to check the learners’ understanding. If a student is bored or has confused facial expressions, this indicates that s/he is not properly engaged or does not understand what is being taught. Secondly, if the teacher has given an activity and the child is busy with another activity, it shows exactly that the instructions are not properly communicated to the children and also that if the teacher asks a question and the learner does not respond, this clearly shows that the student is not properly engaged. It is very important to check the understanding in the classroom so that all students should be on the same page.

Assessing the Students’ Understanding

Role of Body Language in Classroom

According to research, just 7 % of communication is accomplished through words, 38 % through tone, and 55 % through body language. This demonstrates emphatically how vital body language is in the classroom. Because of this, every teacher needs to be aware of how to use their body language and facial expression.

Role of Body Language in Classroom

For example, In the figure, you can see how we can show children by gesture and body language to be silent, work in groups, listen to me attentively, etc. This enhances learning and productive engagement.

Role of Gesture in Classroom

Process of Teaching

Humans have logical minds and accept logic. As a result, the teacher must convey the topic rationally and sequentially for the learners’ minds to easily accept it. For instance, if the teacher decides to start a lesson on computer peripherals, s/he may begin it by saying,

“Today, we’re going to study the computer peripheral devices. First, we’ll study the input devices. Next, we’ll cover the output devices. After that, we’ll cover the storage devices. Finally, we’ll study the network devices.”

Process of Teaching

It is crucial to actively involve the class’s students in learning. Have you ever noticed the bus driver? As soon as everyone is seated, he begins to drive to his destination. Passengers initially engage with the novel views outside for the first few minutes, but after a short while, their eyes close and there is no longer any engagement. Some educators resemble bus drivers. They begin the class. Students are attentive to the teacher for the first few minutes, but after that, the teacher starts talking to himself and no one is paying attention to him.

Peer and Group Teaching

Since they can openly exchange ideas, groups are very advantageous to students. In contrast to speaking in front of the class or the teacher, they don’t hesitate when speaking to a peer or a group. Learning with peers and in groups consequently boosts learners’ confidence. This is a simple way to make the students less shy.

Peer and Group Teaching

How to Ask Children?

We ask learners in 2 ways; closed questions and open questions. It is very important for teachers to differentiate both of them and how to use them in the classroom mainly, for children studying in primary grades. We should ask closed questions with a yes-or-no response. These kids won’t feel comfortable answering open-ended questions, which will demotivate them even more. In higher grades, we can pose open-ended questions, and we ought to make an effort to keep these responses short.

How to Ask Children?

Error Correction in Classroom

Student correction in the classroom is worth understanding. The teachers shouldn’t correct the student directly. Particular correction should be used in the classroom. If a student makes any mistake the self-correction is used first. For example, the teacher should ask the student to reread the sentence or resolve the question. It is hoped that students correct their mistakes in rereading. Secondly, peer correction is used. Peer correction means that any other student reread the sentence or resolves the particular question, without targeting the first student. The third one is teacher correction. This is used at the end and the teacher corrects the students.

Error Correction in Classroom

Finishing a Lesson

Finishing a lesson means properly concluding the class by reviewing the lesson, giving the proper homework to the learners, and saying goodbye to every learner. Ensure the homework is creative and linked to the child’s daily environment. This part of the lesson prepares the learners for the next day. Don’t forget to review the lesson.

Finishing a Lesson

Classroom Rules

Every classroom has rules so does your classroom too. However, the student should define these rules by themselves. Teachers must use an activity where every learner proposes some rules for the classroom. After proposing these rules collectively, some popular rules are chosen by them and pasted in the front of the class. Now because, these rules are prepared by the students themselves, therefore, they would happily follow them.

Classroom Rules

Teacher Worries

Engaging all learners in the classroom is the teacher’s greatest challenge. Teachers want to have students on one page. Students who are not engaged in class lose interest in school and eventually drop out. In some regions, language is also an obstacle and a challenge. The children cannot speak the language of the program and the teachers cannot speak the language of the children either. In schools in underdeveloped countries, the classrooms are massively overcrowded. Engaging in these massive classes is no easy task. Similarly, the shortage of teachers in remote schools is a common problem. Teaching and engaging these students in a single classroom requires professional skills.

Teacher Worries

17 thoughts on “Effective Practices in Classrooms- What you Need to Know

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