Protecting Children from a Toxic Environment of School

Protecting Children from a Toxic Environment of School

Schools should be places where children can learn, grow, and feel safe- Protecting Children

When I was in 9th standard, I tried to change my institution. I had to study science and there were no teachers in the school in my village. After going through great resistance, I convinced my family and was admitted to another school. When I was sitting in the classroom on the first day, the class in charge called me.

I went up to the teacher, as I was meeting him for the first time, therefore, extended my hand for a handshake. The teacher shook hands but insulted me in front of the class why did I try to shake hands with him? Despite going with so much passion, I had to leave that school and return to my previous school.

Another colleague of mine discloses his experience that the teacher in his class used to call the children bad names. They even used to talk about the character of the children. Think for yourself that if you study in a school where children are made fun of, you would be emotionally ruined.

When I joined the college in the first year, it was with General Science subjects. Later on, I had to change my subjects. Now when I approached the art professor to allow me to change the subject, he asked for my secondary class marks in front of the whole class. I told my numbers which were definitely low. He responded, making a sign of disgust with his hand towards my face;

“You can’t study science and if you pass science, come to me and do the same thing with me,”

It was a very bad act done in front of the whole class, particularly by the teacher.

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Another very bad thing I’ve seen is that children in schools are asked to do various types of nonacademic work. Children who are struggling in school now have an excuse to go out. The school administration utilises the same students for various types of work. Children who should have worked harder so they could study and play with other children are excluded from the group and become weaker and weaker.

Parents should remember that not every teacher in a school is necessarily an educator. Becoming an educator is a very difficult job that requires a lot of hard work, skills, love for the profession and experience. Therefore, you should know about each of your child’s teachers and keep in personal contact. If anything bad happens to your child at school, he will lose his self-esteem and never learn. Nothing bad should ever happen to a child in one school, but if it does, the best option is to enrol him in another school because that child will never be properly promoted there.

Are you aware of the negative environment of schools? And ask the child about the environment of the school.

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For tips and advice on how to become a better parent, visit the full list to get the help you need.

The writer can be reached via Medium, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Google Scholar.

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