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Tag: Education

Business Writing in Offices: A Complete Guide

Business Writing in Offices: A Complete Guide

Everyone, whether or not they work in an office, requires business writing at some point in their lives. We write applications to the government organization for our different tasks. The well-written communication will attract the authorities and will priorities the request/assignment. In the public offices, where most of the applications are rejected, I’ve hundreds of examples of my writing, where quick action was taken.

Is the Education System Eroding Creativity? Unveiling the Impact

Is the Education System Eroding Creativity? Unveiling the Impact

One drawing teacher states that once he saw a nursery child drawing a strange picture on his notebook. He asked him what his son was doing. The child replied innocently — “I’m drawing a picture of God”. The teacher asked him; Son, no one has ever seen God, so how can you draw a picture of him? The child responds in a very interesting way: — “Sir if you wait a bit, you’ll see how God looks like”?

Teaching and Training: A Closer Look at Their Roles

Teaching and Training: A Closer Look at Their Roles

The terms teaching and training are sometimes used interchangeably, yet they are fundamentally different. Training develops abilities through practise in a real-world setting, whereas teaching imparts knowledge, instruction, or information. People’s prior knowledge and experiences are transferred into the real world of work through training.

Do Underdeveloped Countries Persist with Outdated 1.0 Model in School Education?

Do Underdeveloped Countries Persist with Outdated 1.0 Model in School Education?

Education 1.0 to 4.0: let’s traverse the path. Education 1.0 is the first generation of education as web 1.0 is the first stage of the internet. At the end of the 18th century, Education 1.0 commenced where students were passive in classrooms and teachers were the centre of education. The blackboard and pens were used as teaching aids. These were simple knowledge transfer classrooms, where notes were made and only information was transferred from teachers to students. Education 1.0 consisted of…

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When I Decided to Become an Animal: Towards Normal Life

When I Decided to Become an Animal: Towards Normal Life

When I came back to a ‘normal’ life, people started calling me ‘abnormal’ Jun Jundai is a resident of Thailand. His TEDx lecture caught my attention. I heard a few phrases he uttered, the Thai-English sentences were so catchy that I couldn’t stop myself to listen to him. Life, according to John Jundai, is simple, but humans have made it difficult. They’ve made things so difficult for themselves that they don’t have time to sit with their families. He adds,…

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21st Century Learning Design (21st CLD): the Role of EduTech

21st Century Learning Design (21st CLD): the Role of EduTech

The leading technologies companies are working on EduTech (Educational Technologies) however, Microsoft is leading over the world Though the COVID-19 pandemic had unfortunate consequences for the world, it also brought some new trends (i.e, EduTech), the changes which were expected years late. The months and years-long lockdown changed the classroom environment to virtual, comprising lectures, assignments, activities, examinations and meetings etc. Along with the learning style, digitization also changed institutional management. Though the COVID-19 pandemic had unfortunate consequences for the world,…

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How do Children Learn? Understanding the Children learning

How do Children Learn? Understanding the Children learning

How increased the Children learning Retention from 10% to 90% Although education alludes to creativity, however, the majority of the world’s educational systems are centred on reading, observing, and listening. Students retain (Children learning) only 10–30% of the material they study in school as a result of this and forget the rest. Children’s attention spans are incredibly short, and they cannot be engaged in one activity for a long time. Retention can be boosted by up to 90% by involving…

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