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Category: Life Lessons

Embark on a journey through life’s lessons and experiences. Gain wisdom from personal stories, reflections, and insights that illuminate the path of self-discovery and growth. Explore a collection of shared narratives that offer guidance, inspiration, and relatable perspectives on navigating life’s challenges and triumphs.

The Collapsing Education System: let’s Discover the Secrets

The Collapsing Education System: let’s Discover the Secrets

If we want our nation to be innovative, productive, and successful in science and literature, we must reform our Education System, particularly the examination system I walk to school, and along the way, I frequently meet mothers and grandmothers who share their children’s and grandchildren’s issues with me. Today after walking half a distance, I found a grandmother waiting for me on the way. Following greetings and prayers, the grandmother informed me that her grandson was in sixth grade with…

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School Education- the Backbone of the Nation!

School Education- the Backbone of the Nation!

School education is the backbone of any nation. In the initial stages, students’ minds are trained to be creative and innovative. If students are not properly involved in the early years of education, they can’t be involved in the later stages. These early years require strict care by parents, teachers and administrators to prepare a good nation.

What Makes People Brutal? A True Story

What Makes People Brutal? A True Story

Amidst the silence of the road, a wounded, speechless puppy bore witness to the cruelty of humanity. Its innocence a stark contrast to the relentless curses hurled at the government. A poignant tale of heartache and societal reflection, this true story unveils the intricate web of compassion and indifference that weaves our world.

Heaven and Hell Within Us: A Thought-Provoking Perspective

Heaven and Hell Within Us: A Thought-Provoking Perspective

Explore the intricate tapestry of our existence where heaven and hell coexist, shaped by our thoughts, habits, and subconscious. Delve into a reflection on how our choices and perspectives mold our reality, transforming life into either a paradise or a torment. With profound insights, we journey through the realms of happiness, pain, and the power we hold to craft our own destinies. Through thought-provoking verses and poignant observations, discover the profound truth that our inner landscape determines the shades of heaven and hell we experience.

Stunning Beauty of Chechali Pass: Trekking Through the Stream Water!

Stunning Beauty of Chechali Pass: Trekking Through the Stream Water!

Chechali Pass-Chapri, Mianwali, Punjab, Pakistan. I grew up in the lap of a mountain. In my childhood, I used to climb on them when I was a kid. I’ve always had a strong affinity toward nature, particularly mountains. My passion for mountains draws me to many mountain ranges. Chechali Pass (Dam), built during Gen. Ayoub Khan’s administration, is one of the most beautiful and worth-visiting places in the Mianwali district. This location was also visited by General Ayoub Khan and…

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Unknown Fear — Fear Is Fear Until You Meet It

Unknown Fear — Fear Is Fear Until You Meet It

Everyone is surrounded by a red circle, and crossing it means confronting him with an unknown fear I have grown up far beyond the age of phones and mobiles. It was the era of letters when the news of the arrival of the son at the destination reached the mother after months. The postal services took months to deliver the letters to their destination. After getting the son’s letter, mum would look for the literate person with this letter tied to…

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Is the Education System Eroding Creativity? Unveiling the Impact

Is the Education System Eroding Creativity? Unveiling the Impact

One drawing teacher states that once he saw a nursery child drawing a strange picture on his notebook. He asked him what his son was doing. The child replied innocently — “I’m drawing a picture of God”. The teacher asked him; Son, no one has ever seen God, so how can you draw a picture of him? The child responds in a very interesting way: — “Sir if you wait a bit, you’ll see how God looks like”?

This is B.B.C Urdu Service!

This is B.B.C Urdu Service!

After hearing my mother’s voice in the morning, the first sound I heard in my ears — was the B.B.C Urdu Service. And when I opened my eyes, I saw my father, shaving his beard for the morning army parade, with the radio on the table. Radio was extremely popular at the time, and everyone had to have one. The BBC’s services were extreme, and only a small percentage of the population was unaware of or did not listen to them. They were most likely those who did not have access to a radio.

Teaching and Training: A Closer Look at Their Roles

Teaching and Training: A Closer Look at Their Roles

The terms teaching and training are sometimes used interchangeably, yet they are fundamentally different. Training develops abilities through practise in a real-world setting, whereas teaching imparts knowledge, instruction, or information. People’s prior knowledge and experiences are transferred into the real world of work through training.

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