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Tag: Learning

Educating Kids on the Dangers of the World

Educating Kids on the Dangers of the World

As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure Kids are aware of the dangers that exist in the world today– With the ever-changing landscape of technology (Internet and social media), it is imperative that parents and teachers work together to ensure that children are safe and are being given the skills they need to become good citizens. Teaching children about healthy habits, safety, and digital literacy can help protect them from dangerous habits, bullying, and other dangers. It is important to…

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Setting Healthy Boundaries for Children: Discover the Myths

Setting Healthy Boundaries for Children: Discover the Myths

By setting clear and consistent boundaries, parents can help their children develop self-discipline and self-control. I have noticed that most parents don’t have control over their children. I see many children, some of whom are still in primary or elementary school, walking the streets at night. This shows that they are not restricted by their parents and are unaware of any limits. Clear Expectations Setting clear expectations and boundaries for children is essential for positive parenting. The first step in…

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The Absent Teacher: Shocking Results of Gentleness

The Absent Teacher: Shocking Results of Gentleness

While running institutions, gentleness is necessary, but the results of gentleness can be very dangerous and dire It has been raining all night during the winter and the clouds are still pouring in the morning. It was already cold, but the continuous rain made it even colder. My house is located on a rough, unpaved road, and getting to school on rainy days is a challenge. I take an umbrella to avoid the rain, but it has been found to be…

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Teaching Children How to Balance Technology and Life

Teaching Children How to Balance Technology and Life

By teaching children how to use technology in a healthy way, we can help them develop the skills they need to lead a balanced and fulfilling life– Screen use among children is spreading like an epidemic. They are getting addicted to screens and this habit makes them stubborn and has health problems besides. Doctors say that the screen makes the child enjoy more and more, which cannot be replaced by parental love. So once the child is addicted to the…

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Nurturing a Positive Personality: Parenting Secrets

Nurturing a Positive Personality: Parenting Secrets

A positive personality helps children to be confident, and successful in life Personality is the set of characteristics that make a person unique. It includes their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Personality is shaped by a variety of factors; including genetics, environment, and life experiences. It is an image that lives in the minds of others and is what defines a person. For example, when the name of Nelson Mandela is mentioned, the image of a great, hard-working, and persistent leader is…

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Teaching Children How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

Teaching Children How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

As parents, it is important to recognize the signs of stress and anxiety in our children and to provide them with the tools and resources to manage it. The child of a divorced mother was studying in 10th standard at our school. The mother lived in very poor conditions and used to beg to teach her child. One day, the child was verbally abused in the house and that minor verbal abuse drove the child to commit suicide. The mother, who…

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Tools for Children to Succeed in the 21st Century

Tools for Children to Succeed in the 21st Century

As technology advances, it is important that children are taught the skills they need to be successful in the modern world. When I was a child, my mother used to tell me that my relatives could do hard physical labour like climbing mountains for firewood or harvesting crops, but I couldn’t. I was in the village with my mother at the time, and physical labour was regarded as a skill and perfection. Those who could harvest crops and climb mountains were…

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Teaching Children About Drug Addiction: The Curse

Teaching Children About Drug Addiction: The Curse

By educating children about the risks of drug addiction, we can help them understand the consequences of their actions and make informed decisions about their health and well-being.. Addiction (to drug) is a disease, not a character flaw. It takes great courage and strength to confront the monster of addiction and try to put it in its place.”  — Demi Lovato One day, students reported that two schoolchildren were unconscious. When they were brought in, they were not in their full senses….

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Conflict Resolution Skills in Children

Conflict Resolution Skills in Children

Conflict resolution skills teach children how to deal with disagreements and disputes in a positive and constructive manner– Conflict cannot survive without your participation. — Wayne Dyer As a child, there was always a problem at school because the children fought a lot. With few disinterested teachers, the children were not engaged in the class. They would threaten each other and fight in the streets after school time. Sometimes these fights even took place in groups. That was the age of chalkboards,…

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How Reading Books As a Child Changed My Life? Proven Pathways

How Reading Books As a Child Changed My Life? Proven Pathways

If I hadn’t spent my pocket money on books, you wouldn’t be reading this right now If you don’t read a book for two days and talk on the third day, your speech will not have the sweetness that it does after reading books. unknown The relationship between reading books and humans is as old as humans themselves — as old as human civilization. Our habits, which are formed by our thinking, shape our lives. Reading books has the most significant influence on…

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