How School Kill Creativity? The Death of Imagination

How School Kill Creativity? The Death of Imagination

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.

A drawing teacher says he once saw a child drawing a strange picture in a notebook. The teacher asks him.

Son! What are you doing?
The child innocently replies, “I’m drawing a picture of God”.
The teacher asks him that no one has seen God, so how can he draw a picture of him?
The child gives a very interesting answer.
“Sir, if you wait a bit, you’ll see how God looks.”

It was the creativity of a child in a kindergarten class that even created an image of God in his imagination.

One day, I was with kids who had not yet started schooling (they were new to me). When they got closer to me, they began asking question after question and they confused me as well. What is your name uncle, where is your house? What is the colour of your house? Do you drive this car? etc.

Similarly, I have a young niece who constantly asks new questions in response to each answer. When children ask me these kinds of questions, I wonder how creative children enter our educational system and then cannot ask a single question when they leave.

Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

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There are many reasons for the lack of creativity in educational institutions, but one of the main reasons is the fear of institutions. I still remember that when I was admitted to the first grade, fear was instilled in my heart that the teachers beat a lot. Of course, what would a small child ask there when he knew he was going to be spanked? And this tradition still hasn’t changed.

Once an old man was sitting in our house with his grandson. When the little child was not shaking hands with me, his grandfather used to scare him in the same way that shake hands with the teacher or else he will beat you in school.

Recently, as I was going through the final stages of this book, a grandfather came to school with his young grandson. He tells the child in front of the class: “When you will be enrolled in the school, the teacher will beat you a lot.” I laughed, went over to the child, took him in my arms, and said lovingly, “No son!” Teachers do not punish children.

Corporal punishment is prohibited in institutions, but its fruits do not easily reach our society because they are linked to complex factors. If the parents are not interested in the education of their children and do not cooperate with the institution, then only the institution can ever produce brilliant children. The second thing is that when you give a teacher 70–80 kids to teach (in one class), obviously they only want to silence the kids by instilling fear, so teaching becomes secondary.

An even more important thing is that if the examination institutes (examination board) test the child for useless things and the teachers and institutes are punished for this, the students will be prepared for this, why for creative or analytical thinking.

If we want to see our generations as creators, creating and making a name for themselves in science and literature, then we have to work on our education system, especially the examination system. If we don’t provide a good education system, we will continue to produce PhDs, but they won’t even be able to create a question.

What would you like to see in the school before enrolling your child?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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The writer can be reached via Medium, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Google Scholar.

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