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Tag: virtulization

Virtualization in Cloud Computing

Virtualization in Cloud Computing

Imagine you have a powerful personal computer at home. You are a single person, and you can utilize it up to a maximum of 30%, while the remaining 70% of the resources are wasted. How can you make full use of your computer’s potential? Introduction to Virtualization Virtualization is a technology that allows multiple virtual environments to run on a single physical hardware system. It works by abstracting hardware resources such as CPU, memory, and storage, creating virtual versions of…

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Technologies for Network-Based Systems (Parallel Computing)

Technologies for Network-Based Systems (Parallel Computing)

In today’s digital age, the seamless functionality of everyday technologies like smartphones and web applications relies on the intricate workings of network-based systems. Consider the scenario of streaming videos on platforms like YouTube – millions of users worldwide accessing diverse content simultaneously, each request seamlessly processed and delivered in real-time. Behind the scenes, this remarkable feat is made possible by network-based parallel computing, where multiple processors work collaboratively to handle a multitude of requests concurrently. Whether it’s searching for information,…

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