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Tag: ubbringing

Allow Children to Follow Their Passion

Allow Children to Follow Their Passion

Apart from mathematics and biology, there are many other subjects to teach and study. Doctors and engineers are common professions, but there is a world of other big and powerful positions. There is a certain idea among our parents, children, and society that they will either become a doctor or an engineer. There is no other destination in front of them. If you go to any school, you will see only two groups. Thankfully, this spell is starting to break now, and parents and children are turning to different kinds of skills.

Education: The Key to Unlocking Children’s Success Stories

Education: The Key to Unlocking Children’s Success Stories

Parents should remember that the early years of education and parental involvement are essential. These are the years when the child’s mind develops and this makes him intelligent. Children who are not given special attention can have weak minds.

As an educator and administrator, I would strongly advise parents to teach their children the alphabet, numbers, colours, animal names, etc. at home before sending them to school, so that they will be confident when they get there. Teachers and fellows will compliment them. This process will serve as the basis for the child’s literacy.

Building a Better World: Protecting Children from Hate

Building a Better World: Protecting Children from Hate

In our society, love and sympathy are hardly valued, but we even hate when we sleep, and we do it every time (This enforce protecting children). The person we hate knows our feelings or not, but we kill ourselves hating them. We melt our minds in this hatred. We also expect the whole world to hate him and kick him out of our circle of friends. Hatred is a very common disease. This disease causes little or no harm to the individual in front of the hater and just to himself (the hater).

How to Lead Your Children by Example: Comprehensive Parenting Guide

How to Lead Your Children by Example: Comprehensive Parenting Guide

As parents, it is important to remember that children copy what you do, not what you say. Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them  — James Baldwin Experts of communication skills say that when we talk to someone, the impact of our words is 7%, the impact of tone is 38% and the impact of our body postures and gestures is 55%. Our words don’t have that much power, but the…

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Don’t Let Poverty Get in the Way of Raising a Happy Child

Don’t Let Poverty Get in the Way of Raising a Happy Child

At some distance from the road, in the wilderness where there were no houses far away, there was a small cottage on the side of the way. Half had collapsed and half of the roof was still hanging on two walls. I entered the cottage from the back (the part which had fallen). In the part where the roof still remained, there was a box and a bucket in which some clothes were kept for washing. In the courtyard, there was a small tree and a small hut (Chapar) to protect from the scorching sun, and two or three small beds were lying in it.

Advice for Parents on Relationships with Kids

Advice for Parents on Relationships with Kids

As parents, it is important to build strong relationships s with your Kids. A strong relationship with children can help them develop into healthy, happy, and successful adults. Once I was walking outside with my kids. One of my relatives passed away and started saying — Afzal when I see you walking outside, your child is also with you. I do not pick up my children at all. At least I won’t be sorry tomorrow when they grow up and…

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How to Upbring the Children? Parenting Styles

How to Upbring the Children? Parenting Styles

I’ve noticed that most parents have an “inherited parenting style” and they only raise their children in one way. Parents do not try to get any kind of training or help in this regard even though no more important responsibilities are coming into their lives. This method of inheritance gives no value to the child. This philosophy strongly believes that the stricter the parents are, the better the children will be, which is wrong and misleading.

Let the Children Do Their Own Chores: Understand the Secrets

Let the Children Do Their Own Chores: Understand the Secrets

Train the children for chores so that tomorrow they may not be a misfit in society or the organization. In life, we study in many institutions. We become students of famous teachers and schools. We pay huge fees and learn a lot in return. All this education and all this knowledge affect our society but minor. The first thing is that it is not compulsory for everyone to study and it is also not compulsory for everyone to study with…

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Horrific Effects of Blaming and Criticizing Children

Horrific Effects of Blaming and Criticizing Children

When you speak to your child, avoid blaming, criticizing, or finding fault because doing so may hurt their self-esteem and cause them to become furious. The retired teacher was attending a program when a young man came to him and introduced himself, saying, “I have been your student and was so inspired by you that I too became a teacher to teach my generation to reform as you did.” The teacher asked him, “What inspired you?” The young man replied, “Sir,…

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Children Are More Attracted to Their Peers — Parenting Guide

Children Are More Attracted to Their Peers — Parenting Guide

Peers’ relationships can also play a negative role in social-emotional development. Therefore, it is important for parents to be aware of their child’s peers. Children look less to their parents and more to their peers for learning. Peer relationships provide a unique context in which children learn a range of important social-emotional skills, such as empathy, cooperation, and problem-solving skills. However, peer relationships can also play a negative role in social-emotional development. Therefore, it is important for parents to be aware…

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