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Tag: Parenting

Writing Today the 100th Story: A Journey of Self-Development and Discovery

Writing Today the 100th Story: A Journey of Self-Development and Discovery

It has been a journey of Self-Development, reflection, learning, and understanding. I have learned to express my thoughts and feelings in a way that is meaningful and impactful. Today marks a special milestone for me — my 100th story on the medium platform! It’s been an incredible Journey of Self-Development since I first discovered Medium in February 2022. I was searching for a platform to share my content and I chose Medium for its ease of use and its wide reach. At…

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Encouraging Children to Take Control of Their Stress

Encouraging Children to Take Control of Their Stress

A child whose mother had divorced was in school. His mother begged and lived in terrible conditions, yet she managed to bring the child up to 10th grade. One day, the child experienced verbal abuse at home, and as a result of this abuse, the child committed suicide. The mother, who had been struggling to support her son on her own, lost all hope. Similarly, one of my students committed suicide because he was denied a bike at home. My 30-year-old friend also died in such circumstances. I have just highlighted a few of the many such cases in the 2–3 km radius. It shows how our society is stressed and anxious, but we don’t know how to cope with it.

Learn the Skills to Compete in the Marketplace

Learn the Skills to Compete in the Marketplace

These skills can be divided into problem-solving, self-management, working with people, and creating and using technology. These are the skills of the future, and everyone needs them to keep up with the world. Below, we will try to understand their importance so that parents can learn these skills themselves and then teach them to their children, thus allowing them to lead better lives.

Nurturing a Love of Language: Strategies for Enhancing Children’s Vocabulary

Nurturing a Love of Language: Strategies for Enhancing Children’s Vocabulary

You’ve probably heard of “one-sided love,” but “one-sided talks” may be a new term to you. First, one-sided talks are much sweeter and more lovely than one-sided love. When you take your baby for the first time and share your love, exhaustion, and pain with them from one side, the same emotions float in your eyes as gratitude. The child stares blankly at your face. After a few months, they respond with a smile, and after a year with sweet sounds. For two years, they address you with their sweet dialect and turn your pain into a smile. These one-sided talks are unknown to them, but these are the sounds that nurture them and fill them with love.

Allow Children to Follow Their Passion

Allow Children to Follow Their Passion

Apart from mathematics and biology, there are many other subjects to teach and study. Doctors and engineers are common professions, but there is a world of other big and powerful positions. There is a certain idea among our parents, children, and society that they will either become a doctor or an engineer. There is no other destination in front of them. If you go to any school, you will see only two groups. Thankfully, this spell is starting to break now, and parents and children are turning to different kinds of skills.

Education: The Key to Unlocking Children’s Success Stories

Education: The Key to Unlocking Children’s Success Stories

Parents should remember that the early years of education and parental involvement are essential. These are the years when the child’s mind develops and this makes him intelligent. Children who are not given special attention can have weak minds.

As an educator and administrator, I would strongly advise parents to teach their children the alphabet, numbers, colours, animal names, etc. at home before sending them to school, so that they will be confident when they get there. Teachers and fellows will compliment them. This process will serve as the basis for the child’s literacy.

Building a Better World: Protecting Children from Hate

Building a Better World: Protecting Children from Hate

In our society, love and sympathy are hardly valued, but we even hate when we sleep, and we do it every time (This enforce protecting children). The person we hate knows our feelings or not, but we kill ourselves hating them. We melt our minds in this hatred. We also expect the whole world to hate him and kick him out of our circle of friends. Hatred is a very common disease. This disease causes little or no harm to the individual in front of the hater and just to himself (the hater).

Modelling Good Behaviour for Your Children — Parenting Guide

Modelling Good Behaviour for Your Children — Parenting Guide

Parents are children’s first teachers. The child’s mind comes to them in the form of a blank paper and they start writing on it through their words and actions. These are the daily routines that we do unconsciously and pass on to our unconscious, unconsciously. Parents usually continue to explain to the children by being a teacher and hoping that the children will follow their advice, but this is not the case. Children look up to adults and imitate them.

How to Lead Your Children by Example: Comprehensive Parenting Guide

How to Lead Your Children by Example: Comprehensive Parenting Guide

As parents, it is important to remember that children copy what you do, not what you say. Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them  — James Baldwin Experts of communication skills say that when we talk to someone, the impact of our words is 7%, the impact of tone is 38% and the impact of our body postures and gestures is 55%. Our words don’t have that much power, but the…

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Don’t Let Poverty Get in the Way of Raising a Happy Child

Don’t Let Poverty Get in the Way of Raising a Happy Child

At some distance from the road, in the wilderness where there were no houses far away, there was a small cottage on the side of the way. Half had collapsed and half of the roof was still hanging on two walls. I entered the cottage from the back (the part which had fallen). In the part where the roof still remained, there was a box and a bucket in which some clothes were kept for washing. In the courtyard, there was a small tree and a small hut (Chapar) to protect from the scorching sun, and two or three small beds were lying in it.

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