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Category: Parenting

Welcome to a transformative journey in parenting and education. Discover expert insights, practical guidance, and creative activities that shape the future of your children. From fostering strong parent-child bonds to nurturing their academic pursuits, we’re here to empower you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the beautiful complexity of raising and educating your children. Explore a world of innovative ideas and proven strategies, enriching your family’s growth and ensuring a bright path for your children’s success.

Importance of Life Skills for Children: Success in 21st Century

Importance of Life Skills for Children: Success in 21st Century

Life skills are the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.  — Abraham Lincoln We, as parents, try to educate children and see them succeed in life but do not train them for life matters. These things may seem small, but their impact can be very painful. These minor missing may…

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Allow Children to Follow Their Passion

Allow Children to Follow Their Passion

Apart from mathematics and biology, there are many other subjects to teach and study. Doctors and engineers are common professions, but there is a world of other big and powerful positions. There is a certain idea among our parents, children, and society that they will either become a doctor or an engineer. There is no other destination in front of them. If you go to any school, you will see only two groups. Thankfully, this spell is starting to break now, and parents and children are turning to different kinds of skills.

Negative Influences and Children: How to Ensure Their Safety

Negative Influences and Children: How to Ensure Their Safety

Children look less to their parents and more to their peers for learning. Peer relationships provide a unique context in which children learn important social-emotional skills such as empathy, cooperation, and problem-solving strategies. However, peer relationships (where negative influences exist) can also play a negative role in social and emotional development. Therefore, it is important for parents to be aware of their child’s peers and their activities and observe them on a daily basis.

The Reasons Behind School Refusal in Children

The Reasons Behind School Refusal in Children

When I go to primary school early in the morning, I see many parents dragging their crying children to school. The children run and refuse to go to school, but the parents make them go in a dictatorial manner, using their inherited methods. They do not look for the true reasons behind the children’s reluctance. This will break the children’s hearts and they will not be able to go to school with enthusiasm.

Be in Contact with Your Child’s Teacher: Best Tips

Be in Contact with Your Child’s Teacher: Best Tips

Keeping in contact with your child’s teacher can help to ensure that your child is receiving the support they need, as well as staying on track with their studies. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. — Nelson Mandela Behind every successful student is the hard work of their parent and teacher. When parents and teachers work together to help children, such children are sure to succeed. On the other side, you can see great examples…

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Protecting Children from a Toxic Environment of School

Protecting Children from a Toxic Environment of School

Schools should be places where children can learn, grow, and feel safe- Protecting Children When I was in 9th standard, I tried to change my institution. I had to study science and there were no teachers in the school in my village. After going through great resistance, I convinced my family and was admitted to another school. When I was sitting in the classroom on the first day, the class in charge called me. I went up to the teacher, as…

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Education: The Key to Unlocking Children’s Success Stories

Education: The Key to Unlocking Children’s Success Stories

Parents should remember that the early years of education and parental involvement are essential. These are the years when the child’s mind develops and this makes him intelligent. Children who are not given special attention can have weak minds.

As an educator and administrator, I would strongly advise parents to teach their children the alphabet, numbers, colours, animal names, etc. at home before sending them to school, so that they will be confident when they get there. Teachers and fellows will compliment them. This process will serve as the basis for the child’s literacy.

Building a Better World: Protecting Children from Hate

Building a Better World: Protecting Children from Hate

In our society, love and sympathy are hardly valued, but we even hate when we sleep, and we do it every time (This enforce protecting children). The person we hate knows our feelings or not, but we kill ourselves hating them. We melt our minds in this hatred. We also expect the whole world to hate him and kick him out of our circle of friends. Hatred is a very common disease. This disease causes little or no harm to the individual in front of the hater and just to himself (the hater).

Domestic Violence on Children: How to Protect Them

Domestic Violence on Children: How to Protect Them

Domestic violence against children is a form of abuse that occurs when a parent or caregiver uses physical or emotional abuse to control, intimidate, or harm a child. Domestic violence can have long-term physical, psychological, and emotional effects on children. Growing up in such an environment, the child becomes an abuser himself and treats others in the same way.

Modelling Good Behaviour for Your Children — Parenting Guide

Modelling Good Behaviour for Your Children — Parenting Guide

Parents are children’s first teachers. The child’s mind comes to them in the form of a blank paper and they start writing on it through their words and actions. These are the daily routines that we do unconsciously and pass on to our unconscious, unconsciously. Parents usually continue to explain to the children by being a teacher and hoping that the children will follow their advice, but this is not the case. Children look up to adults and imitate them.

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