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Understanding the Domain Name System (DNS)

Understanding the Domain Name System (DNS)

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical part of the internet that helps translate human-readable domain names, like, into machine-readable IP addresses, such as This tutorial will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of DNS, its structure, and how it works. DNS, the Domain Name System, is a decentralized naming system that connects domain names with IP addresses. It serves as the internet’s “phonebook,” making it easier for users to access websites and online resources by using…

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Routing on Internet

Routing on Internet

A router is a network device that plays a crucial role in computer networking by connecting different networks together and directing the flow of data between them. It operates at the network layer (Layer 3) of the OSI model and is responsible for routing data packets from their source to their destination. Routers are fundamental components in the functioning of the internet and in local area networks (LANs). Router is a Layer 3 (OSI model) device, primarly responsible for routing…

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System Modeling in Software Engineering​

System Modeling in Software Engineering​

System modelling is a critical process in software engineering and various other fields that involves creating simplified, abstract representations of complex systems. The primary purpose of system modelling is to understand, analyze, and communicate the structure, behaviour, and interactions of a system. Graphical Modeling Graphical modelling is a method of representing information, systems, or processes using visual elements such as diagrams, charts, graphs, and symbols. It is a way to convey complex concepts, relationships, and structures in a more intuitive…

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Error Detection and Correction in Data Communication

Error Detection and Correction in Data Communication

Before going toward error detection and correction, let bit explore the byte stuffing which accrues in packet transmission. What is Byte Stuffing? Byte stuffing is a data encoding technique used in computer networking to ensure the reliable transmission of information, particularly in the context of data framing. It involves the insertion of special control characters, known as “flag” or “escape” characters, into the data stream to distinguish them from the actual data. The primary purpose of byte stuffing is to…

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An In-Depth Study of Network Devices

An In-Depth Study of Network Devices

Today, we will delve into the world of network devices. These devices are the backbone of modern communication, allowing data to flow seamlessly across local and global networks. We’ll study six essential network devices in detail: Let’s begin with the first device: 1. Repeater 2. Hub 3. Switch 4. Bridge 5. Router 6. Gateway Along with the above devices, a number of other network devices, such as Firewall, Load Balancer, Proxy Server, Access Point, Modem, Content Delivery Network (CDN), VoIP…

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Packet and Frames in Computer Networks

Packet and Frames in Computer Networks

Packets, frames, and error detection are fundamental concepts in computer networking and data communication. These terms are used to describe how data is structured, packaged, and transmitted in a network, as well as how errors in data transmission are identified and handled. Let’s explore these concepts: What are Packets? A packet is a small unit of data that is transmitted over a network. It typically includes both the data to be sent and control information, such as the source and…

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Basics of Internet Protocol (IP) AND IP Addressing

Basics of Internet Protocol (IP) AND IP Addressing

The Internet Protocol (IP) is a fundamental set of rules and conventions that govern how data is transmitted and routed over the Internet. It is a core component of the modern internet and is responsible for addressing and routing data packets to their destinations. Here are the basics of Internet Protocol (IP): In summary, Internet Protocol (IP) is a crucial set of rules for addressing and routing data packets across the internet. It plays a central role in connecting devices,…

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TCP/IP Protocol

TCP/IP Protocol

A Local Area Network, commonly known as LAN, is a fundamental component of modern network infrastructure. LANs are designed to connect computers, devices, and resources within a confined geographic area, such as a home, office, or campus. These networks serve as the backbone for internal communication, data sharing, and resource access, providing the connectivity necessary for efficient day-to-day operations. LANs have evolved significantly over the years, adapting to the changing needs of organizations and individuals alike. In this digital age,…

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Overview of Data Communication

Overview of Data Communication

In our increasingly connected world, data communication plays a fundamental role in enabling the exchange of information and the functioning of modern society. Whether you’re streaming a video on your smartphone, sending an email, or accessing cloud services, you’re engaging in data communication. Understanding the key concepts, components, and technologies that underpin this field is crucial for anyone navigating the digital landscape. Today, we will delve into the essential aspects of data communication, from its historical evolution to the latest…

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Introduction to Network Design and Analysis​

Introduction to Network Design and Analysis​

Network design and analysis are integral to the modern digital landscape, underpinning the connectivity and communication that drive our interconnected world. In an era where data flows seamlessly between devices, where the reliability and security of networks are paramount, understanding the intricacies of network design and analysis is not merely an option but a necessity. This discipline forms the backbone of our daily digital experiences, from sending an email and streaming content to conducting business, making informed decisions, and ensuring…

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