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Author: Afzal Badshah, PhD

What Do I Look for in a Response Letter as a Reviewer? Introducing Response Letter

What Do I Look for in a Response Letter as a Reviewer? Introducing Response Letter

A step-by-step guide for structuring the reviewer’s response letter The research article submitted to the journal goes through several phases. In the first, the editorials evaluate it for different types of queries, for example, the novelty of the idea, the structure of the article and in particular the language of the article. If all goes well, it is decided to review it. However, on the editorial side usually, half of the articles are rejected by reputable journals and half of them…

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When I Decided to Become an Animal: Towards Normal Life

When I Decided to Become an Animal: Towards Normal Life

When I came back to a ‘normal’ life, people started calling me ‘abnormal’ Jun Jundai is a resident of Thailand. His TEDx lecture caught my attention. I heard a few phrases he uttered, the Thai-English sentences were so catchy that I couldn’t stop myself to listen to him. Life, according to John Jundai, is simple, but humans have made it difficult. They’ve made things so difficult for themselves that they don’t have time to sit with their families. He adds,…

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Communication Skills: Do Digitization is Putting an End

Communication Skills: Do Digitization is Putting an End

The biggest issue with communication skills, in my opinion, is that it requires constant practice. Perhaps not more than two years ago, I had the opportunity to hear from an elder at a public gathering. Not only did I know communication skills well at the time, but I was also further working on them. This old man was an illiterate seventy-year-old, who had hardly ever touched a pen in his life. Listening to him, I felt that this elder seemed to…

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Approach to Children’s Engagement: My Impactful Approaches and Results

Approach to Children’s Engagement: My Impactful Approaches and Results

Although recent technologies have revolutionized other fields, however, they are not yet fully integrated into education for Children’s Engagement. Children’s Engagement has been a hot topic since the origin of teaching and learning and is developing rapidly with time and technology. With the recent advances in Information and Communication Technology (e.g, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and 5G), it is a need of the hour to revive its smart use in academia. In underdeveloped countries, parents are offended by financial…

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21st Century Learning Design (21st CLD): the Role of EduTech

21st Century Learning Design (21st CLD): the Role of EduTech

The leading technologies companies are working on EduTech (Educational Technologies) however, Microsoft is leading over the world Though the COVID-19 pandemic had unfortunate consequences for the world, it also brought some new trends (i.e, EduTech), the changes which were expected years late. The months and years-long lockdown changed the classroom environment to virtual, comprising lectures, assignments, activities, examinations and meetings etc. Along with the learning style, digitization also changed institutional management. Though the COVID-19 pandemic had unfortunate consequences for the world,…

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Child-Labor Is the Cause of School Dropout in Developing Countries

Child-Labor Is the Cause of School Dropout in Developing Countries

Child-Labor is cruelty, which is considered right There are many reasons why children are not interested in education and drop out of school but running a home system (child-labour) by making children work hard is one of the reasons that speaks loudly. I have noticed in the underdeveloped countries’ education system that this is one of the main reasons why children are not interested in studies, remain absent and eventually leave the school. There may be many reasons of out…

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Negativity Has Always Been a Problem: And it’s Panic

Negativity Has Always Been a Problem: And it’s Panic

Negativity is not a problem of this era only; it has been a problem of every age. Negativity is not a problem of this era only, it has been a problem of every age. Particularly for those who follow the laws of nature or a straight line but are not trained for society. There is a toxic atmosphere in the office, society and it is very difficult to live and work in such as environment. It takes a long time to…

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A Day Before Submitting a Research Article for Journal Publication

A Day Before Submitting a Research Article for Journal Publication

Avoid disk rejection and increase the chances of publications What are the key criteria that the article must meet before being submitted to the journal? Let’s go over all of these key parameters that must be reviewed prior to submission. The concept is novel and deserves to be published The idea is the core of any study. Before sending the paper for review, the editorial team assesses the concept to see if is it novel. If they believe the paper…

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Purification of Everyone Maybe a Dream, not a Reality!

Purification of Everyone Maybe a Dream, not a Reality!

It’s your journey, your way and you’ve to cover it. The journey of life is not paradise to be covered easily and happily. This voyage is hard and painful. Everyone has to cover it with a lot of troubles, hurdles and apposite pushes. Everyone is accompanied by different people on the way, but everyone has different worlds of thinking and assuming. Purification of everyone may be a dream, not a reality. Everyone has to adjust his/herself to such a company. Purification…

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Enforce the Search Engines: Reach the Exact Search Not Millions of Confusions!

Enforce the Search Engines: Reach the Exact Search Not Millions of Confusions!

The good news is, that the search engine can be enforced for the required results Searching for anything on the web generates millions of results. In this million results, it is not possible to locate the closest one. Why not enforce the search engine to display only the required documents available on the web? The good news is that the search engine can be enforced for the required results. Start with important keywords Each writer specifies his document with keywords on the…

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