Understanding Constructors in C++

Understanding Constructors in C++

Introduction to Constructors:

Constructors are special member functions in C++ used to initialize objects. They are automatically invoked when an object of a class is created. The main purpose of a constructor is to set up the initial state of an object by initializing its data members.

Types of Constructors:

  1. Parameterized Constructor:
    A parameterized constructor accepts arguments to initialize the data members of the class with specific values. This allows you to customize the initialization of an object during its creation. Benefits of Parameterized Constructors:
  • Provides flexibility to initialize objects with different values.
  • Reduces the need for separate setter methods for initialization. Code Example:
   using namespace std;

   class Car {
           string model;
           string make;
           string color;

           // Parameterized constructor
           Car(string Color, string Model, string Make) {
               color = Color;
               model = Model;
               make = Make;

           void start() {
               cout << "Car started." << endl;
           void stop() {
               cout << "Car stopped.";
           void accelerate() {
               cout << "Car accelerated.";

Usage Example:

int main()
Car c1("Black", "New", "Mercedes Benz");
return 0;

Explanation of Code:

  • Class Members:
    • model, make, color: Private attributes to store car details.
  • Constructor Definition:
    • Car(string Color, string Model, string Make): Accepts three parameters.
    • Assigns the parameter values (Color, Model, Make) to the corresponding class attributes.
  • Member Functions:
    • start(), stop(), and accelerate() represent the actions the car can perform.
  • Main Function:
    • Object Creation (Car c1("Black", "New", "Mercedes Benz");):
      Creates an object c1 of the Car class using the parameterized constructor. The values "Black", "New", and "Mercedes Benz" are passed as arguments to initialize the private attributes color, model, and make respectively.
  1. Non-Parameterized Constructor (Default Constructor):
    A non-parameterized constructor, also known as a default constructor, does not take any arguments. It initializes the object with predefined or default values. Benefits of Non-Parameterized Constructors:
  • Ensures objects have a valid initial state even if no specific values are provided.
  • Useful for creating placeholder objects. Code Example:
   using namespace std;

   class Car {
           string model;
           string make;
           string color;

           // Non-Parameterized constructor
           Car() : model("Unknown"), make("New"), color("Unknown") {}

           void start() {
               cout << "Car started." << endl;
           void stop() {
               cout << "Car stopped.";
           void accelerate() {
               cout << "Car accelerated.";

Usage Example:

int main()
Car c1;
return 0;

Explanation of Code:

  • Constructor Definition:
    • Car(): A default constructor that initializes model, make, and color with default values: "Unknown", "New", "Unknown", respectively.
  • Use of Initialization List:
    • The initialization list (: model("Unknown")) is an efficient way to assign values during object creation.
  • Main Function:
    • Object Creation (Car c1;):
      Creates an object c1 of the Car class using the non-parameterized (default) constructor. The attributes color, model, and make are initialized with their default values: "Unknown", "New", and "Unknown", respectively.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Incorrect Assignments in Constructor:
    Don’t do the mistake of the assignment in the parameterized constructor like:
  Make = make;  // Incorrect
  Model = model;
  Color = color;

This would lead to uninitialized variables. The correct assignment should be:

  make = Make;  //Correct
  model = Model;
  color = Color;
  • Case Sensitivity:
    Variable names are case-sensitive. Ensure proper mapping of parameters to data members.

Key Differences Between Parameterized and Non-Parameterized Constructors

FeatureParameterized ConstructorNon-Parameterized Constructor
ArgumentsRequires arguments during object creation.No arguments required during object creation.
InitializationAttributes are initialized with specific values.Attributes are initialized with default values.
FlexibilityProvides flexibility to assign unique values.Assigns predefined values.

By understanding these constructors, you can design objects that are either pre-configured or customizable at runtime!


Constructors are essential for initializing objects in C++. Parameterized constructors provide flexibility, while non-parameterized constructors ensure a default state. Understanding these constructors helps build robust and maintainable code in object-oriented programming.

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