Core Skills for Effective Presentation and Communication- Know the Magic

Core Skills for Effective Presentation and Communication- Know the Magic

Presentation, communication and decision-making skills are the most sought-after skills in the market and every candidate/employee should master them.

After violent death, most people fair public speaking more than anything else in the life!

[People Management, 2002]

What are your thoughts on the above quote? Is this the case? It was the same if I talked about my condition when I was getting ready to speak on stage for the first time. I was terrified of giving a public speech. When I first stood on the podium, my heart was pounding, my legs were trembling, and my body couldn’t take my words.

What is the presentation?
What is the presentation?

What is presentation?

Most people think of a presentation as presenting an assignment to the class, teacher, or presenting your organization at a meeting. The presentation isn’t restricted to these specific topics. It entails being able to communicate effectively in a variety of situations. It’s more than just giving PowerPoint presentations. When you’re talking to someone, your body language, gestures, eye contact, words used for verbal communication, and non-verbal communication signs and gestures should all be excellent.

Key steps for presentation

Key steps for presentation.
Key steps for presentation.

These points can be used as key milestones in presentations, but they are not limited to them. The first is preparation. We carefully plan according to the time, location, and location provided. The second step is to get ready. We must structure the presentation in accordance with the scheduled time, location, and audience. We move on to practise after careful planning and preparation. The incoming sections cover all these points in detail.

What is presentation planning?

What is presentation planning?
What is presentation planning?

We must carefully plan everything we have to say and demonstrate in terms of time, place, and audience when we speak of planning. If we don’t plan properly before the presentation, things may get worse during the presentation. For example, do you need to know who your target audience is ahead of time? Will you make a presentation in front of the class? Or will you be giving a presentation about your company at a meeting or conference? Your objectives and focus shift as a result of this.

Steps for presentation preparation

Steps for presentation preparation
Steps for presentation preparation

After careful consideration of what to include and exclude, we move on to preparation. This is how we define the presentation’s structure. How much time will be given to the introduction, any activities, the problem, the conclusion, and audience questions, for example?

Moving from one section to the next should also be prompt. The visual aids could be beneficial in a demonstration. Carrying visual aids does not imply carrying a high-priced item. This means that anything is readily available and inexpensively. If you’re presenting your company, you’ll almost certainly have products, which can be used as visual aids. The importance of one’s voice cannot be overstated. You must be able to recognise when to emphasise words or phrases and when to lower your voice. Similarly, if you are representing your company, your appearance is extremely important, and you must adhere to a strict dress code. Shorts are not permitted, for example. You must have a good speaking style and the questions must be well-prepared.

How can we practice for the presentation.

How we can practice for the presentation?
How can we practice for the presentation?

After careful planning and preparation of the necessary resources, we begin to practise. To be confident during the presentation, we must practise giving presentations in front of friends or classmates. The most powerful practise tools available are mobile devices. You must first record your presentation before viewing it. You should be aware of any errors you are making in your appearance, gestures, body language, word choice, or time management, for example. This is the most effective method for improving your presentation.

What to do during the presentation?

What to do during the presentation?
What to do during the presentation?

Now you are in the hall or in the conference room to present. It’s crucial to pay attention to the first two to three minutes. You must do everything possible to engage and capture the attention of the audience. Nervousness causes the presenter’s voice to drop. Words are not supported by the body. They don’t make eye contact with the audience, which causes them to lose interest. To keep the audience engaged in the early stages, I recommend starting with any activity, such as a story, quote, questions, or any physical or mental activity.

Structure of the presentation

Structure of the presentation
Structure of the presentation

The most important aspect of the presentation is its structure. As a result, time must be divided carefully. In TEDx, for example, the speaker is given only 18 minutes to present a long and powerful proposal. Similarly, today’s short videos on YouTube are limited to one minute, and WhatsApp statuses are limited to 30 seconds to present your idea. As a consequence, you must exercise caution when it comes to time management. For example, you allocate 2 or 3 minutes for the introduction, the next 3 minutes for any physical or mental activity, and the next 3 minutes to present the proposed idea or problem, similarly for summer you allow 2 minutes and 5 minutes for questions from the audience.

Challenges of the presentation

Challenges of the presentation.
Challenges of the presentation.

As I previously stated, I experienced the same podium anxiety, When I presented first time on stage. Everyone who makes their first appearance on stage feels the same way: their bodies don’t support them, they can’t make eye contact with the audience, and they act strangely due to nervousness and public fear.

Coping with presentation challenges

Coping with presentation challenges.
Coping with presentation challenges.

The only way to overcome the challenges mentioned above, as well as the panic of the podium, is to practise according to the plan. Before presenting, you should practise in front of the mirror, in front of the camera on your phone, or in front of your friends, depending on your preparations. This rehearsal will guide you on where you are making mistakes and how you can correct them.

Impact of presentation on life

Impact of presentation on life.
Impact of presentation on life.

In today’s world, it doesn’t depend on how many points you get in the degree, it depends on how many skills you have for life or for any organization. In my opinion, presentation, communication and decision-making skills are very important and every organization needs them. So if you have excellent communication skills, you are confident, and can present perfectly — it will impact your life, increase your income and earn you honour.

Read more about academic skills.

The writer can be reached via Medium, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Google Scholar.

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