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Tag: Skills

Learn the Skills to Compete in the Marketplace

Learn the Skills to Compete in the Marketplace

These skills can be divided into problem-solving, self-management, working with people, and creating and using technology. These are the skills of the future, and everyone needs them to keep up with the world. Below, we will try to understand their importance so that parents can learn these skills themselves and then teach them to their children, thus allowing them to lead better lives.

Core Skills for Effective Presentation and Communication- Know the Magic

Core Skills for Effective Presentation and Communication- Know the Magic

Most people think of a presentation as presenting an assignment to the class, teacher, or presenting your organization at a meeting. The presentation isn’t restricted to these specific topics. It entails being able to communicate effectively in a variety of situations. It’s more than just giving PowerPoint presentations. When you’re talking to someone, your body language, gestures, eye contact, words used for verbal communication, and non-verbal communication signs and gestures should all be excellent.

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