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Tag: mpi4py

Broadcast Communication in MPI

Broadcast Communication in MPI

In MPI (Message Passing Interface), broadcast communication is a fundamental operation that allows one process to efficiently send data to all other processes in a communicator. This means that a single piece of data is sent from one process, often referred to as the “root” process, to all other processes within the MPI environment. Broadcast communication is particularly useful for distributing global information or settings to all participating processes. How Broadcast Communication Works In MPI, broadcast communication works by having…

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Monte Carlo Simulation: MPI4Py

Monte Carlo Simulation: MPI4Py

Monte Carlo simulations are a statistical technique that allows for solving problems through random sampling. They are widely used in various fields such as physics, finance, and engineering to understand the impact of risk and uncertainty in prediction and forecasting models. The core idea is to use randomness to solve problems that might be deterministic in nature. You can visit the detailed tutorial here. For example, to estimate the value of Pi ((\pi)), we can use the Monte Carlo method….

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Parallel Summation using MPI in Python with mpi4py

Parallel Summation using MPI in Python with mpi4py

Parallel summation involves distributing the task of summing a large set of numbers across multiple processors or computing nodes, enabling simultaneous computation and aggregation of partial results. Each processor handles a portion of the data, performs local summation, and then communicates its partial sum to a designated root processor. The root processor collects and combines these partial sums to compute the global sum, thereby leveraging parallelism to accelerate the computation process and efficiently handle large-scale data sets. In this tutorial,…

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MPI: Concurrent File I/O for by Multiple Processes

MPI: Concurrent File I/O for by Multiple Processes

In this tutorial, we’ll explore an MPI (Message Passing Interface) program using mpi4py to demonstrate how multiple processors can collectively write to and read from a shared file. The detailed tutorial of MPI with a python can be visited here. Code Code Explanation Imports the necessary MPI module from mpi4py which provides bindings for MPI functionality in Python. Initializes MPI communication (comm) for all processes (MPI.COMM_WORLD). rank is assigned the unique identifier (rank) of the current process, and size represents…

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MPI Gather Function in Python

MPI Gather Function in Python

The gather function is used to gather data from multiple processes into a single process. We’ll go through the provided code, line by line, and understand how the gather function works. The detailed tutorial of MPI with a python can be visited here. Code Explanation This line imports the MPI functionality from the mpi4py library. These lines initialize the MPI communicator (comm) and obtain the total number of processes (size) and the rank of the current process (rank). Each process…

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MPI with Python: Calculating Squares of Array Elements Using Multiple Processors

MPI with Python: Calculating Squares of Array Elements Using Multiple Processors

In this lab tutorial, we will explore how to utilize multiple processors to compute the squares of elements in an array concurrently using the MPI (Message Passing Interface) library in Python, specifically using the mpi4py module. MPI is a widely-used standard for parallel computing in distributed memory systems. We’ll create a master-worker model where the master process distributes tasks to worker processes, each responsible for computing the square of a subset of the array elements. The detailed tutorial of MPI…

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