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Tag: Disobedience

Why My Child Disobey? Let’s Explore the Reasons

Why My Child Disobey? Let’s Explore the Reasons

This reason behind disobedience can be a lack of understanding, need for attention, lack of boundaries, lack of communication, being victimized by a bad group, etc. When it comes to dealing with disobedience in children, it is important to understand the root causes of this behaviour. Children can be disobedient for a number of reasons, including lack of understanding, need for attention, lack of boundaries, lack of communication, unfulfilled desires, being victimized by a bad group, etc. This is often the…

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Punishment Never Corrects a Child

Punishment Never Corrects a Child

The problem with developing nations is that parents and teachers there control the children with a stick (Punishment), and it is considered to be very effective. Screaming, yelling, hitting, and grabbing something are all negative punishments that make children naughty, stubborn, and rude. You can replace them with positive punishments. For example, if they do not use the dustbin, you can make them clean the room as a punishment. Use social rewards, such as hugs and kisses, more than material…

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Teaching Manners to Children: The Secrets

Teaching Manners to Children: The Secrets

Teaching children good manners is important work that teaches them to interact with others respectfully and appropriately. Good manners can help your children build strong relationships with others, make a good impression, and show respect for themselves and others. Teaching children manners is not only important for their social development but also for their future success. It is not uncommon for our children to mock or embarrass us as parents in public. They do not greet guests or ask for…

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Giving Children Unconditional Love

Giving Children Unconditional Love

In 2015, I attended a university convocation. I was seated in the designated area with my colleagues. The students who had earned medals were being honoured. After each announcement, applause was played for the honoured students. When one such student came on stage to receive her award, the usual round of applause began and continued until she was awarded the medal. The applause eventually died down, but from one side there was still continuous applause. The entire venue turned to…

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Parenting with Discipline: A Guide to Raising Happy, Positive Children

Parenting with Discipline: A Guide to Raising Happy, Positive Children

It is important to establish rules and boundaries (Discipline) for children at an early age and enforce them consistently– Discipline is the foundation upon which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure. — Jim Rohn One day, a father came to my office with a complaint that my teacher was not allowing his son to sit in the class. I asked the teacher about the matter, and he told me; “The child does not sit in class, throws…

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