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Tag: Books

How Medium Helped Me in Publishing Book: Exploring the Secrets

How Medium Helped Me in Publishing Book: Exploring the Secrets

I grew up in the village. There was no learning environment and no teachers in the village school. Neither the parents were aware enough that children should study. Since other children went to school in the morning, I was also sent with the goal that when I grew up and went out to work, I would be able to read the signboards of buses and cities and reach my destination easily. Radios were commonly used, and the BBC was very…

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How Reading Books As a Child Changed My Life? Proven Pathways

How Reading Books As a Child Changed My Life? Proven Pathways

If I hadn’t spent my pocket money on books, you wouldn’t be reading this right now If you don’t read a book for two days and talk on the third day, your speech will not have the sweetness that it does after reading books. unknown The relationship between reading books and humans is as old as humans themselves — as old as human civilization. Our habits, which are formed by our thinking, shape our lives. Reading books has the most significant influence on…

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