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Category: Parenting

Welcome to a transformative journey in parenting and education. Discover expert insights, practical guidance, and creative activities that shape the future of your children. From fostering strong parent-child bonds to nurturing their academic pursuits, we’re here to empower you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the beautiful complexity of raising and educating your children. Explore a world of innovative ideas and proven strategies, enriching your family’s growth and ensuring a bright path for your children’s success.

The Power of Words— Know Your Communication with Children

The Power of Words— Know Your Communication with Children

Whatever you say, or do with the children, it is recorded, and they decide once rules are formed in their minds. Words have great power. It can create gaps of hatred and can fill the existing ones. It all depends on how the speaker uses these words. You have probably heard that some regions’ dialects have unique sweetness. They speak in your language, but their words are sweeter. They are really polite. This accent must have been passed down to them…

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How to Guide Children? Discover the Myth

How to Guide Children? Discover the Myth

Children are divided by age and as a parent, you need to know the abilities of each child according to their age There is a famous poem whose main idea is “I am always late”. This is often a problem with parents too; they do not guide their children based on their age. They either keep them under strict restrictions or entirely ignore them, resulting in the children not receiving the ideal upbringing. I was enraged when my son began to…

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Children Copies You- Help them to be a Better Human

Children Copies You- Help them to be a Better Human

Everything you do once you enter the home, you are sending a message to the children You must have seen that when you rise up to pray, your 2-year-old son approaches you and does the prayer gestures. A two-year-old toddler has no idea what this procedure is. Is it good or bad? What is the point of it? But he stands up to pray with you because he sees you doing it every day, and it is in the nature of…

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Creating Lasting Memories: Being Present in Your Children’s Lives

Creating Lasting Memories: Being Present in Your Children’s Lives

Spend some lovely experiences with children in such a way that they become memories that they will love for the rest of their lives. Since I had a two-year-old son, I was worried about how to raise him. Sometimes, I used to get angry, so I started to realize that I should take care of it properly and that I must go through some training. With this reference, I began listening to audiobooks. I enjoy listening to TEDx talks, which can…

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Make Children Feel Good — Secrets of Powerful Parenting

Make Children Feel Good — Secrets of Powerful Parenting

Whether You Are Rich or Poor, It Doesn’t Matter to the Child. What Matters to Them Is How You Make Them Feel I boarded the first van to school at 5:30 a.m. Like me, two women seated in the second row were on their way to school. A young boy, perhaps 9–10 years old, was sat next to these teachers; I considered him to be the teacher’s son, but when the child began collecting the fare, I saw the problem: his…

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Learning Approaches for Productive Schooling: Teachers & Parents Need to Know

Learning Approaches for Productive Schooling: Teachers & Parents Need to Know

The school only teaches one child, where the teaching and learning approaches match, if not the case, the learners remain mediocre. Just as it is important to know children by age, it is also important for both parents and teachers to know the child’s learning approaches. Usually, the learning approaches are categorized as; Visual learners learn by looking at things, for example, pictures, videos, and diagrams play an important role in their learning. Some children are auditory learners who learn…

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An Earning Toddler and a Cold December — The Panic Scene

An Earning Toddler and a Cold December — The Panic Scene

How a Toddler can be Forced for Earning? Human life is filled with a lot of pain. This pain is unbearable. We shouldn’t raise more humans to suffer, and we should end humanity. –Unknown It is a cold December night in Peshawar، Pakistan. People are fighting to move forward in a tiny market. Throughout the day, shopkeepers on the street have done thousands, if not millions, of sales. They are still waiting for new clients to return home with a…

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Inherited Parenting Dynamics: How They Shape Children’s Futures

Inherited Parenting Dynamics: How They Shape Children’s Futures

To be a good parent and raise a successful child, you must understand parenting styles (and not to stick only inherited parenting) and how to apply them to children’s development. The good news is that starting is never too late The parents I have seen around me either control their children in an authoritarian manner or completely ignore them. Both of these approaches are harmful to children. Neglected children are spoiled early in life, and children raised under authoritarianism are spoiled…

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Unhealthy Parent-Child Relationship & it Is Never Late to Correct

Unhealthy Parent-Child Relationship & it Is Never Late to Correct

I have closely observed and explored the relationship between parents and children. I am very sorry to say that I often found this relationship very weak. About 800 children study in my school and I have been busy with their education for the last 13 years. During this, I have closely observed and explored the parents-children relationship. I am very sorry to say that I found this relationship very weak. The weakness of this relationship is having a terrible effect on…

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Why Study if We Have to Become Drivers?

Why Study if We Have to Become Drivers?

The three pillars of the educational system are teachers, parents, and students, and these pillars must function properly for the system to be effective. I was dressing hair in a village Salon. The father of one of my matriculation classmates entered there. His other son was my student and he was at the top of the class. I began by telling him how well his son is doing academically. Advised him to take care of him so that he may…

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