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Category: Parenting

Welcome to a transformative journey in parenting and education. Discover expert insights, practical guidance, and creative activities that shape the future of your children. From fostering strong parent-child bonds to nurturing their academic pursuits, we’re here to empower you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the beautiful complexity of raising and educating your children. Explore a world of innovative ideas and proven strategies, enriching your family’s growth and ensuring a bright path for your children’s success.

Kids and Dangerous Habits: Every Think You Need to Know

Kids and Dangerous Habits: Every Think You Need to Know

It is important to talk to your kids about the dangers of addiction and the importance of making healthy choices. Dangerous habits refer to the wrong type of addiction. This risk exists globally with growing up children, however, in countries where poverty is alarming, people are massively addicted. When people don’t get jobs, they tend to earn money in illicit ways. The poor economic conditions force them to simply feed their children. Such children can easily fall prey to these habits….

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Fostering a Language of Love in Children

Fostering a Language of Love in Children

You’ve probably heard the term “one-sided love,” but “one-sided talk” may be unfamiliar to you- Children Upbringing I Wish Every Parent Knew This- Dr. Afzal Badshah The first one-sided talks are far sweeter and more intimate than the first one-sided love. When you first hold your baby and share your love, exhaustion, and pain with them, the same emotions float through your eyes as gratitude. The child looks at you blankly. After a few months, they respond with a smile, a…

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Educating Kids on the Dangers of the World

Educating Kids on the Dangers of the World

As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure Kids are aware of the dangers that exist in the world today– With the ever-changing landscape of technology (Internet and social media), it is imperative that parents and teachers work together to ensure that children are safe and are being given the skills they need to become good citizens. Teaching children about healthy habits, safety, and digital literacy can help protect them from dangerous habits, bullying, and other dangers. It is important to…

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Setting Healthy Boundaries for Children: Discover the Myths

Setting Healthy Boundaries for Children: Discover the Myths

By setting clear and consistent boundaries, parents can help their children develop self-discipline and self-control. I have noticed that most parents don’t have control over their children. I see many children, some of whom are still in primary or elementary school, walking the streets at night. This shows that they are not restricted by their parents and are unaware of any limits. Clear Expectations Setting clear expectations and boundaries for children is essential for positive parenting. The first step in…

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Parenting with Discipline: A Guide to Raising Happy, Positive Children

Parenting with Discipline: A Guide to Raising Happy, Positive Children

It is important to establish rules and boundaries (Discipline) for children at an early age and enforce them consistently– Discipline is the foundation upon which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure. — Jim Rohn One day, a father came to my office with a complaint that my teacher was not allowing his son to sit in the class. I asked the teacher about the matter, and he told me; “The child does not sit in class, throws…

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How Reading Books As a Child Changed My Life? Proven Pathways

How Reading Books As a Child Changed My Life? Proven Pathways

If I hadn’t spent my pocket money on books, you wouldn’t be reading this right now If you don’t read a book for two days and talk on the third day, your speech will not have the sweetness that it does after reading books. unknown The relationship between reading books and humans is as old as humans themselves — as old as human civilization. Our habits, which are formed by our thinking, shape our lives. Reading books has the most significant influence on…

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Nurturing Your Child’s Personality

Nurturing Your Child’s Personality

As a parent, it’s important to nurture your child’s personality and help them grow into a confident and independent person– “Personality is the most important thing to an individual. It is the total sum of one’s attitudes, goals, and values.”  — John C. Maxwell Personality is the set of characteristics that make a person unique. It includes their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Personality is shaped by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and life experiences. Personality is an image that lives…

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Encouraging Children to Take Control of Their Stress

Encouraging Children to Take Control of Their Stress

A child whose mother had divorced was in school. His mother begged and lived in terrible conditions, yet she managed to bring the child up to 10th grade. One day, the child experienced verbal abuse at home, and as a result of this abuse, the child committed suicide. The mother, who had been struggling to support her son on her own, lost all hope. Similarly, one of my students committed suicide because he was denied a bike at home. My 30-year-old friend also died in such circumstances. I have just highlighted a few of the many such cases in the 2–3 km radius. It shows how our society is stressed and anxious, but we don’t know how to cope with it.

Learn the Skills to Compete in the Marketplace

Learn the Skills to Compete in the Marketplace

These skills can be divided into problem-solving, self-management, working with people, and creating and using technology. These are the skills of the future, and everyone needs them to keep up with the world. Below, we will try to understand their importance so that parents can learn these skills themselves and then teach them to their children, thus allowing them to lead better lives.

Nurturing a Love of Language: Strategies for Enhancing Children’s Vocabulary

Nurturing a Love of Language: Strategies for Enhancing Children’s Vocabulary

You’ve probably heard of “one-sided love,” but “one-sided talks” may be a new term to you. First, one-sided talks are much sweeter and more lovely than one-sided love. When you take your baby for the first time and share your love, exhaustion, and pain with them from one side, the same emotions float in your eyes as gratitude. The child stares blankly at your face. After a few months, they respond with a smile, and after a year with sweet sounds. For two years, they address you with their sweet dialect and turn your pain into a smile. These one-sided talks are unknown to them, but these are the sounds that nurture them and fill them with love.

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