Children Will Become What They Are Raised to Be

Children Will Become What They Are Raised to Be

If we want to see our children’s creators and create a name in science and literature, then we have to work on our education system, particularly the examination system.

The old mother is walking on the road and due to her age group, the pace is very slow. When the distance shortened, I remembered that the mother had met me once for her children.

One of her sons was the only student in the school that none of the teachers was happy with. On the contrary, the teachers were cautious and kept their distance from him. Even though he was in the middle class, he had a steely neck and did not bow to teachers. Many efforts were made to put him back on the right track, including calling his parents. But maybe they knew he was out of their control.

When I saw her, the whole story became a movie and started playing in front of my eyes. I thought she would be visiting someone’s house nearby. In our traditions, visiting the deceased is not considered less than a duty. On the same day evening, I had to go out somewhere. As soon as I reached the nearest village, which was about five to Six km away, I saw this mother returning at the same speed.

My eyes, which should have flowed along the road, were glued to her. I was surprised that she had walked this distance to her relatives in the same condition in the morning and now she would go back by following the same route.

Photo by Giovanni Gagliardi on Unsplash

What compelled me to write is; Why only helpless children try to become rascals. Why do they not realize the situation of their parents? Why do these crush people? Why do not they turn their pain into success through hard work? There is only one answer to all these questions. They found this environment at home. They were free from home from their childhood and then become a member of the bad groups.

Children are frequently seen working in the same field as their parents. Essentially, children copy their environment as they grow up. Children will be exactly what you make them. Their parents serve as role models for them. Therefore, it is important that you be very careful in front of them.

Maintain a good nurturing environment at home and around, which can inculcate good habits in children. What will the children become? How will they behave? What mentality will they own? It all depends on what the environment is in the child’s home. What culture is he from?

How would you define a father or a brother who brings (toy) guns to children as a gift? You put a gun in your innocent child’s hand and then expect him to become a good person for society. This is the limit of optimism. If a child plays with a gun, he will pick up a gun when he grows up, how will he pick up a pen?

I know a father who is a billionaire. He has properties worth billions. But the children of this family are severely neglected at home. This disregard extends not just to the children’s upbringing, but also to their legitimate requirements. Inevitably, children choose the wrong ways to meet their needs. I saw in my service that the children of this family who came to school could not study. They kept messing up the school environment and themselves.

I walk to school and in this distance of 2 KM, I often meet mothers and grandmothers who tell me about the problems of their children and grandchildren. One day, after walking half the distance, I found a grandmother standing by the side of the road waiting for me.

After Salalm, grandma told me that her grandson was studying in sixth grade with me. He hasn’t studied for the whole year and now that the annual exam has started, even though he doesn’t touch the book. He runs away after returning from school. Grandma talked about my sore vein. I often share this point in meetings with parents and teachers. When we went to school in the morning, the book was in the hands of the children. During recess, instead of playing, each child tried to prepare something for the next test.

person using macbook pro on white table
Photo by Anna Shvets on

Not long ago, exams used to be very organized. I still remember that even our socks were taken off, and our sleeves were rolled up in the intermediate examination. Passing the exam in the first division was like winning the lion’s share. In today’s examination system, a child easily secures the first position even without studying. After all, what happened to children not studying? They have no fear of examination. And they are passing without studying.

It is obvious that whenever a system fails, its influence in society is lost. No one takes it seriously. There are no mistakes here. The parents are so financially strapped that they are in the process of earning only bread for themselves. Whether a child studies or not, parents are responsible. If the child will not fail, how will he realize his shortcomings? How will the strength and passion that is created after failure be created?

If we want to see our generations as creators and create a name in science and literature, then we have to work on our education system, particularly the examination system. If we are not able to do this and do not provide our students with a good education system, we will keep producing PhD, but they will not be able to even formulate a question.

Read more about parenting.

The writer can be reached via Medium, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Google Scholar.

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