Understanding Ethernet Cables in Networking
Ethernet cable is a common type of network cable used in wired Ethernet networks. It typically consists of twisted pairs of copper wires that are enclosed in an outer insulating sheath. Ethernet cables come in various categories, such as Cat5e, Cat6, and Cat7, each with different specifications and capabilities to support various network speeds and performance levels.
Ethernet Cables Configuration
Ethernet cables come in two primary configurations: straight-through and crossover.

The straight-through cable is the more prevalent type and is typically employed to establish connections between computers and network hubs or switches. You’ll likely encounter these cables readily available at your local computer store, often referred to as patch cables.

On the other hand, crossover Ethernet cables are less commonly utilized, primarily serving to link one computer directly to another. As a result, they may not be as readily accessible since their usage is not as widespread as that of straight-through Ethernet cables.

Rollover cables, most commonly called rollover cables, have opposite Pin assignments on each end of the cable. Unlike crossover and straight-wired cables, rollover cables are not intended to carry data but instead create an interface with the device.
Tools for Cables Configuration
RJ-45 connector, Clamping Tool, Stripper Twisted pair Cable,
Self Evaluation
- What is the purpose of straight-through cables?
- What are crossover cables used for?
- Can you explain the function of crossover cables in networking?